Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Homeschool Highlights - Week of May 8, 2011


What a weekend!  Morgan's prom was yesterday and the afterprom was today, so we are all out of whack!

Read aloud:  We read a pile of books.  My favorite one was called Celebrating Mother's Day.  It gave a great idea for making a memory box. 

Speaking of Mother's Day, Shayla designed my Mother's Day card and the grandma's and her biggest sister's.  (art)

Phys Ed:  Played outside all day on this beautiful day.  She had a great time playing with three of her cousins.  Running, jumping, swinging, playing baseball, and anything else you could imagine.

Bible:  The Lord's Prayer.  Matthew 6:9-13
Devotions:  Thank You God!  John 21:1-14
Reading:  Come One, Come All:  Poems:  The Muddle, Lost at the Zoo, Story:  Tye May and the Magic Brush
Language/phonics:  Lessons 136-138
Math:  Made fact families using dominos.  Discussed logic/reasoning skills.
Spelling:  Write Long O words in sentences
Handwriting:  Psalm 34:3-4  O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.  I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Earth Day celebration at the state park.  I know the official Earth Day has passed, but our community celebrates later in the spring to hopefully have a nice weather day.
GCS Specials

Music:  Attended Morgan's band concert.

EEG test done. 

Bible:  The Ten Commandments.  Exodus 20.
Devotions:  Treasures.  Matthew 6:19-20
Reading: Come One, Come All:  Polar Bears.  Finished book.
Language/phonics:  Lessons 139-140
Handwriting:  Psalm 86:12  I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I glorify thy name forevermore.

Bible:  Psalm 100
Devotions:  Revenge.  1 Peter 2:21-25
Reading:  A Duck is a Duck:  Unit 1:  At the Park
Language/phonics:  Lessons 141-142
Handwriting:  Psalm 63:3-4  Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.  Thus will I bless thee while I live:  I will lift up my hands in thy name.
  • Reviewed flashcards
  • Practiced subtraction facts
  • Put a tray full of 10 toys out.  Shayla counted the toys.  I took away some and Shayla made an equation.

Social Studies/art:  Countries and cultures:  Honduras. 
  •  Finished her paper pollo project.
  • Found this idea on Family Fun for Cinco de Mayo (yeah, we're a little late celebrating, as usual :)  She made a bark painting, but not out of bark, out of a paper bag. 

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