Worship services
- I always like to quiz the girls to see how much they comprehended of the sermon. This week pastor spoke about Paul preaching to the early church in Corinth. His preaching went all night long and there was a man that fell asleep. Pastor jokingly said that means that it's ok for him to preach as long as he wants and us to fall asleep if we want. That was all my girls heard, now they think it is perfectly fine for them to sleep during his sermons. LOL!
- This morning we watched the beauty of scattered snowflakes coming down while the sun was shining on them. Each snowflake sparkled as it fell. In an instant, I recognized the beauty of the cold, snow. (science)
- We cut paper snowflakes out of coffee filters and decorated the door with them. We discussed how snowflakes each have six sides and each snowflake is unique, or different from all others. We made a comparison of snowflakes and people. God made each one the same in many ways, but each person is unique, too. (science, fine motor, art, social studies, Bible)
Hard to believe this week marks the half-way point through the year. Grade cards are due this week and I am more than a little sad when I consider the lack of consideration in the grading process. The grading process is black and white and we are somewhere in between, in the gray zone.
Sometimes life is more than a simple pass or non-pass. Is your child performing at grade level in math? Reading? Well, no, BUT, my child was estimated at age 6 to be performing at a 18 month to 24 month age. That's a 4 to 4-1/2 year develomental delay. So, technically she is 9, but probably functioning at a 5 to 5-1/2 year old level. That's kindergarten! She is right on target for kindergarten. In fact, she is working dilligently through the Abeka first grade. She is above average for her level, but is she working at grade level. No. So, for us, it's pass/no pass and no diploma.
Shayla has been finding the books, chapters, and verses in the Bible. I think this is wonderful, but it also helps in other areas like language arts. Finding Bible verses is similar to looking things up in the dictionary.
Jesus is the Word: Jesus is the Light of the World. John 1:4-5, 1:9-12
Devotions: Hallway Trouble. Colossians 1:11-14.
Kings Kids Program.
Mouse: The character lesson is be still, quiet, meek calm.
Memory verse: Psalm 46:10 Be Still and know that I am God.
She made this cute mouse craft out of paper plates
*We usually do these on Sunday, but didn't get it done this week.
We have been enjoying the Aesop's Fable reader. It is fun to use animals to teach morals and character. It is more non-threatening in this way. It's fun to see her apply these attributes to her own character and life.
Aesop's Fables.
- The Bee and the Dove. Moral: What comes around goes around.
- The Wolf and the Dog. Moral: Freedom is worth more than material possessions.
Psalm 91:6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
Language/Phonics: Finished lesson 85
Math: Lesson 96. Fact of the day: 2+3=5 and 3+2=5 (She has to write these several times a day to memorize and I quiz her periodically throughout the day)
Spelling: List 14 - completed section 4. Typed words 1x each. Played spelling city.com - audio word match, which word, scored 3 right out of 15 on pre-test. Yes, I think she needs some more practice!
Bible: The Temptation of Jesus: The Devil Tempts Jesus With Stones. Matthew 4:1-4.
Devotions: The Gift That Gives. Philippians 2:12-16. I needed to hear this one. Do everything without arguing and COMPLAINING. Yep, that's me! We discussed the importance of obedience and doing things cheerfully without grumbling and complaining, and also the importance of keeping promises. (character lesson)
Again, we used the Bible for phonics. Shayla asked how to spell Philippians, I told her it's ph like in phone. Ah! I knew those phonics would come in handy someday! (phonics)
These verses discussed how we as Christians should be a light in this dark world of sin, so we sang This Little Light of Mine (music).
Reading: Aesop's Fables.
- The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs. Moral: Don't be a greedy gus!
- The Proud Turtle. Moral: Don't be a bragger!
Language/phonics: Lesson 86
Math: Lesson 97.
Specials Day
Dance lessons
Bible: The Temptation of Jesus. The Devil Tempts Jesus in the Temple. Matthew 4:5-7
Devotions: Psalm 103:15-19. Aaachooo!
Read Aloud: Finished Ramona Quimby, Age 8 and read The Mare's Tale
If we get any homeschooling done today, it will be a miracle. My husband has decided to hire a contractor to do some of the things on his to-do list. Although, I'm happy these things are getting done, does it have to be during the school year?!? Yes, afraid so. There are just too many things my husband has to do in the summer and it is his busy time at work. And actually since I homeschool pretty much all year round, there is no "good time."
So, last week the contractor put the crown molding up in my kitchen and hallway (that I have been wanting to get done for the last year!)
Today's project? They are cutting a hole in the side of my house and putting a door in. There goes my homeschool corner. Where will I put all this STUFF!?!
I forgot to take an after picture, but the process went painlessly. It was quick and not too loud. Now to find a home for all the junk that was in that corner!
Bible: The Temptation of Jesus. The Devil Takes Jesus to a High Mountain. Matthew 4-8:11
Devotions: Steps to Pray. Psalm 91:1-6
- The Cat and the Fox. Moral: Plan ahead.
- The Wind and the Sun. Moral: Gentleness is more effective.
- The Fly and the Horse. Moral: Don't be proud and think you are so important.
- The Country Mouse and the City Mouse: Be content with what you have.
Language/phonics: Lesson 87
Spelling: List 14 Typed words 1x each on spelling city and played games (computer, keyboarding)
Bible: Jesus Ministers. Nicodemus Comes to Jesus. John 3:1-3
Devotions: The Beauty Inside a Rock. 1 Peter 3:3-4
Reading: Aesop's Fables:
- The Cat and the Birds. Moral: Don't look at outward appearances, look at the inward appearance.
- The Rabbit and the Turtle. Moral: Be dilligent
Read aloud: The Mare's Tale
Language/phonics: Lesson 88
Handwriting: Psalm 91:9 Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
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