Thursday, September 16, 2010

Healthy Habits Brownie Try-It

Washing Works

  • Discussed the proper amount of time necessary to wash hands clean.  Sang alphabet song and Happy Birthday while washing. 
  • Read Germs Make Me Sick
  • Watched Handy and his Helpers DVD and discussed poster.  This was a free resource from Softsoap Lather Up for Good Health.
Smoking is a Bad Habit

  • Talk to someone and tell them the dangers of smoking.  Since we don't have this issue around us, we read a childhood story called A Boy in Chains from Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories.  Shayla was delighted to listen because this was the same storybook that my MIL used to read to my husband and his siblings when they were just children. 
Beautiful Smile

We used resources from the Colgate Smiles teaching packet I received last spring. 
  • We played the boardgame
  • Reviewed the posters that showed proper teeth brushing.
  • Colored, filled in the blanks, cut out, and stapled a book about good brushing habits.
Community Helpers

We have had more than our share of visits to see doctors, nurses, and dentists lately.  We have also read library books about each of these professions when doing our career badgework.

Calcium Counts. 

We discussed what calcium is and why your body needs it.  Most people's body pH is acidic, from the sodas we drink and the standard American diet.  When the body is acidic, it is using its reserves of calcium, constantly robbing from the bones.  The result is osteoporosis and other degenerative diseases that could have easily been prevented. 

Since we have milk allergies in this house, we are well aware of the best food sources for calcium, but we did review the information found here.

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