Now, I thought I had kept a pretty good record of her work/accomplishments in years prior, but I guess now I will keep many more records.
What a big week! Shayla went to school for Independent Studies program for the first time this week. She really enjoyed it. She seems to have grown up in many ways. She is now more worried about forming friendships and doing things right for the approval of friends and teachers. *Hmm...One might think maybe I should have sent her to school long ago.
That evening when we took Morgan to a college fair, Shayla decided to start talking in public places again. No one asked her or anything, she just started doing it. She said something to my husband and he didn't reply. I said, "Did you hear her?" She didn't just start whispering, I mean just plain talking, just like anyone else!
She is also starting to realize there are differences in her learning capabilities. I have been using the Abeka 1st grade curriculum, although she is in 3rd grade. I try to tear workbook pages out and tell her she is level 1 (I don't say grades) but alas, she did notice. I explained to her that she needs to learn the basics and it takes some people more time. It doesn't matter as long as you are trying your best. She still was not satisfied and thought she would like to try level 3 work. I got out the Abeka 3 math book and showed her some pages. There was long division and beginning algebraic equations. Needless to say, she is now happy to be in Level 1. LOL!
Science/Health: We have been talking about the health benefits of fermented and alkaline foods recently. For more information on the benefits a good book is Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon.
This scoby is one week old. It takes about 3 weeks to grow a full scoby.
We also discussed the health benefits of black walnut tincture against parasites. We are making our own, but instead of the vodka that was recommended, we are using tequila. Tequila is fermented from the agave plant, which is a member of the cactus family. I have tried tinctures in the past, but most are vodka based. Vodka is made by fermenting corn or wheat, neither of which works with our food allergies.
Science/Health: Worked on Healthy Habits badgework.
Science: A Beka K God's World Chapter 5 - God's Plan for Animals
Social Studies: A Beka 1 Chapter 6 - My America Talks
Phys Ed: We started the day with dance lessons. Shayla is progressing very well. She is now in both a private class and a group class.
Read aloud: Junie B First Grader, Boss of Lunch
Bible: Bible story. Moses: The King Gives a Command
Reading: Tiptoes: Ham, Eggs, and Toast, Steve's Cap, Free
Math: Lesson 54.
*Note: Needs review before numbers by 2's and hundreds place values.
*Consistently making 6's backward today.
*Took 3 hours to complete lesson. UGH!
- Social Studies: Abeka 1: My Country My World. Chapter 7. My America Travels. We discussed how travel has changed throughout the years.
- Art: Made a Silly Sock Puppet Pet. Idea from The Little Hands Big Fun Craft Book. *Art continues to be Shayla's favorite subject. Maybe this will become a motivator.
- Scouts/Health/Science: Healthy Habits badgework. Discussed the importance of calcium/minerals in our body and food sources to get calcium.
- Read aloud: Junie B First Grader, Boss of Lunch
- Music & Movement: Sand and danced to Dr. Jean's CD "All Day Long." Discussed using your body as an instrument from Kids Make Music.
- Bible: Moses in the Bulrushes
- Phonics/Language: Lesson 37. Learned blends chart 9 - ch in church, or in morning
- Reading: Tiptoes: The Tree on the Hill, The Shep
- Spelling: Lesson 4. Review words verbally. Wkbk exercises 3 -5 .
- Handwriting: Matthew 5:2 And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying:
- Math: Lesson 55
- Science: A Beka K God's World Chapter 6 - God's Plan for the Seashore (Finished book)
- Social Studies: A Beka 1 chapter 7: My America Travels
- Library, music, art, recess, lunch, activities, and phys ed at school. She did exceptionally well. She was co-operative and is moving toward learning independently. This week I stayed with her, although only hanging out in the shadows. Next week, she knows I will not be accompanying her to classes.
- Reading: A beka 1 Tiptoes: Bag Tricks, Fun With a Sheet, I Can Pray
- Science: A beka 1 Discovering God's World - Discovering Myself - I Can be Anyone.
- Social Studies: A Beka1 chapter 8 - My America is Beautiful.
As a reward for her speaking again, (against my better judgement, we allowed her to have her way and camp last night.)She was up early yesterday morning, up late last night, didn't sleep well because of the dog barking, night noises, and the rain. Yeah, nice night. Never again will I allow my better judgement to be swayed. She has exhausted both her dad and I with her bad attitude and inability to focus today.
- Bible: Miriam Watches Moses, The Princess Finds Moses, God Calls Moses
- Read aloud: Finished Junie B First Grader Boss of Lunch
- Reading: Tiptoes: The Fat Pig, Biff's Duck
- Spelling: Reviewed words verbally. (Acted as if she had never heard the words or spelling rules before. UGH!)
- Phonics/Language: Lesson 38. Test. Only scored 84 out of 117%. UGH! Part of the problem was she did not write the answers in the correct boxes (?) She would do the first three correct (left to right) and when she was supposed to go to the next line, she would go (right to left). I explained this to her and gave her the chance to retest, but the results were not much better. The bad grade really hurt her feelings, but maybe she needs this as an attitude adjustment.
- Handwriting: Matt 5:3 Blessed are the poor in spirit:
- Social Studies: A Beka 1 chapter 9 - My America Sings
- Science: Picked apples, talked about the changes in weather, leaf color, harvesting and putting back food for winter
Let's just put this day out of memory. I don't think any learning went on today, other than me learning a lesson. Don't let Shayla camp out on school nights, no matter how good her behavior is. Her behavior is out of check, as well as, her allergies, or worse yet, she may have caught cold. UGH!
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