Saturday, December 25, 2010

Homeschool Highlights - Week of December 5, 2010

Mostly working on character/discipline.

Grounded from church!?!   We were planning on going to church this morning.  That is until Shayla would not complete her tasks such as brushing her teeth, (even after being reminded several times).  She had been given warnings (we're leaving in one minute, etc)Morgan and I finally said, "We're leaving", and started out the door, which started another fit from Shayla.  She was screaming all the way to the car without a coat.  She refused to put on her coat, so I refused to go.  (Got this from Have a New Kid by Friday...B doesn't happen until A happens). 

By that point, we were already running late and I have a rule.  I strongly dislike being  late going anywhere.  So at that point, I said, "Sorry, we will not be going to church today."  And calmly proceeded to walk back into the house.  Um, yeah, this started a major fit!  (Understatement of the year!) Shayla loves church, so needless to say, she was not very happy!   

Consistency, right?!?  Any encouragement is welcome!  I have never seen a stronger willed child anywhere!  UGH!

Read aloud:  Value Tales:  Courage:  The Story of Jackie Robinson.  We also read Little Critter's Merry Christmas Mom & Dad.


Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.  Luke 2:14

Made silver bells out of paper plates.  IDK if we have ever made a craft using aluminum foil before.  Shayla enjoyed playing with it - wadding it up, smoothing it out, using the perforation to tear a piece, cutting it.  What can I say?  Small things amuse our family! :)


Bible:  God Will Give Wisdom.  Psalm 119:97-104

Devotions: Prepared.  Luke 3:4-6

Reading:  The Bridge Book.  Circus Day, Wriggle As I Giggle, Should We? Furthermore, Up in the Air, Push and Pull, Toughy, Double Trouble, A Noisy Parrot, The High Wire, My Beautiful Cow, Buffalo Buddies

Read aloud:  The Legend of the Christmas Tree (One of our favorites)

Character lesson:  Courage.

Yesterday we read about how Jackie Robinson had courage to become the first black baseball player. 

Today, I decided to expand this lesson.  I found this ABC of Godly Character Traits.
  • Reviewed definition of courage (as given at this site).  Mental or moral strength to venture, perservere, and withstand danger, fear or difficulty.  Brave. 
  • What is an animal that is symbolic of these traits. (A lion).  Shayla colored a lion printable. 
  • Who in the Bible demonstrated courage?  Some answers were Noah, Jonah, David, and Daniel.  We read the story of Daniel in the lion's den to go along with our printable.
  • Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you whereever you go.  Joshua 1:9
  • I took this definition and Bible verse and made a handwriting worksheets out of them here.
  • Made watercolor paintings. (art)
  • Played clothespin matching game (still working on strengthening finger/hand muscles (fine motor skills)
Kings Kids Program.

*Note to self:  Shayla has been watching alot of Lizzie McGuire DVD's could pre-puberty hormones be starting to affect her?!?  She has also begun stimming such as flapping her arms again.  Has been complaining of pain in her fingers (muscles, joints? or doesn't want to do school?) And leg pains.  (Growing, eczema, mold or something else?)


*Note to self:  Shayla has complained of headaches for the last two days.  She has been rubbing head and playing with her eyes during reading.  Her eyes were fine at her last eye appointment. 

Bible:  God is our Keeper.  Psalm 121:1-8

Devotions:  Emmanuel.  Matt. 1:23

Reading:  The Bridge Book.  Water Overflowing, Heaviest, Curliest, Shiniest, Be Aware, I Wonder Where, Capture the Vulture

Math:  Lesson 85 completed.  It took a record 2 hours and 45 minutes to complete one lesson!  :(  What is going on here?!?  She was very distractable and completely inattentive.  I think she is thinking about specials day tomorrow.  I told her I would be taking this from her. 

These are all things she is fully capable of doing and done with ease in the past.
  • She could not set the clock to 30 minutes.  In fact, she couldn't tell the diffence between the hour and minute hands.
  • She could not count backwards.
  • She could not solve simple addition and subtraction EVEN with using the touch math method.
  • She started drawing her numbers backwards again.
Maybe I should have just given up for the day?  I've tried that, she's learning how to play the game.  IMHO.  You see, Mondays we have to be done by 3pm because of Kings Kids.  Tuesdays, she messes around because she's thinking about specials day at the local school.  Wednesdays no books are cracked, it's a full day with specials and dance.  Thursday, she's too tired after specials day.  She stays in bed later because otherwise, she gets physically sick.  And Dad is home Thursdays and Fridays and makes it difficult for her to focus, because she is thinking about hanging out with him.  I'll be rethinking our schedule over the holiday break.
Learning Game:  Memory matching.  Despite her efforts, Shayla only got half a dozen matches. 

This is also an indicator that something isn't right because she usually gives me a run for my money in this game.

Read Aloud:  The Value of Respect:  The Story of Abraham Lincoln.  She wrote out the definition of respect (An act of giving particular attention high or special regard esteem) and Bible verse I Peter 2:17.  Show proper respect to everyone.  Love the brotherhood of believers, fear God, honor the king.  (reading, social studies, Bible, writing)

*Note to self:  While sitting down close for the read aloud, I noticed her breath was bad.  I gave her enzymes right away.  I had discontinued them because they seemed to be causing problems for her, I guess I'll just have to lessen the dosage.  She also said her tummy was hurting at this point.  Was that part of the reason for the inattentiveness earlier?

Outside playtime:  One of the things distracting her today was the snow falling.  Ok, it was distracting me as a teacher, too, I confess.  We went outside and made some snowballs.  We tried to build a snowman and sled, but it wasn't good, packing snow.

Spelling:  List 11 workbook section 2 Word search.  Also, wrote the words 1x each.


A day of specials. 

Bible:  Daniel:  The King Makes the Image.  Daniel 3:1, 4-6

Devotions:  Alert for Prayer.  Ephesians 6:18

Reading:  The Bridge Book.  Something Interesting, The Game Warden, A Missionary Vision, Full of Action, The Freight Trains, Who Am I?  The Polar Bear.

Language/phonics:  Lesson 75

*What a day!  The phone didn't stop ringing, people stopping by, and things that had to be taken care of right away.  Normally, we don't let anything interrupt our homeschool day, but these were all important things that had to be dealt with right away.  Oh well, I did it cheerfully because I knew I was teaching with how I reacted.  :)


Bible:  Daniel:  God's Men do not Bow to the Image.  Daniel 3:8, 12-18

Reading:  The Bridge Book.  My New Bicycle, The Juicy Berries, Jerry Learns to Work

Not much bookwork went on today.  Again I spent much of the day on the phone.  This time it was for a really, really good oldest daughter was in labor with her first baby.  Although I could not be there in person, I tried to be an encouragement over the phone. 

Makayla Nicole was born at 1:09 pm.  Weighing in at 8 lbs. 6 oz.  Everyone is doing well.

Field Trip:  Experience Bethlehem.  We went to this program several years ago.  It is wonderful.  Tours go from station to station and see actors portraying the events that lead up to the birth of Jesus.  Actors are dressed in authentic looking costumes.  After touring each station, visitors can go to "the marketplace."  At the marketplace, each person is given a bag of golden coins to purchase things.  But watch out for the tax collector.  He may come and take away your coins! 

My family spent some time in the jail

It became apparent why Shayla had been misbehaving all week.  It appears she wasn't feeling well.  She vomited during Experience Bethlehem and into the evening.  Let's just say, it was a surprise!  She doesn't throw up!  The last time she had a stomach bug was four years ago!

Morgan took a turn stomping grapes! 


By morning, Shayla was feeling better, so we made the trip to see my daughter, Cassandra, and her new baby, Makayla.  As a precaution, Shayla wasn't allowed to hold the baby or get real close to her.  Not really a problem, since Shayla is not really fond of babies.
3 generations! 

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