We woke up to a wintery, wonderland surprise. At last measurement we had 7 inches of newly fallen white stuff!
Verse: And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them... Luke 2:9
Character/Social Studies: We read aloud, The Value of Patience: The Story of the Wright Brothers.
Phys Ed: Outside playtime in the snow! Sledding, snow angels, measuring snow, and an attempt at making a snow castle and snowman.
Snow Day for local schools, but not for us!
Bible: God Protects His Men: The story of Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego and the Fiery Furnace. Daniel 3:19-29
Devotions: Come to Me. Matthew 11:28
Reading: Beginning new book, Open Windows. This is book 6 of the 1st Grade level. At Play: The Circus and The Blue and Yellow Boats.
Read Aloud: The Value of Sharing: The Story of the Mayo Brothers. (character lessons, social studies, science)
Handwriting: that ye may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
Language/Phonics: Lesson 76.
Activity: Practiced drawing six star shapes with dots as point markers. On each star she wrote a word that reminded her of the month of December. (fine motor, shape recognition, math, creative thinking)
Spelling: List 11. Whew, it seems like we've been working on this list forever. They are the -oy and -oi words. She just doesn't seem to get them. She completed part 3 of the workbook and typed her list words into spelling city. There she played Match it and Alphabetize (she required help with these games) and Audio Word Match, which is like a memory matching game. She did this independently with 24 tries.
Bible: Movie Time! Watched Phil Vischer's What's In the Bible? A far cry from the Veggie Tales. I must say I enjoyed the use of puppets and learned quite a bit about the Bible.
Tuesday:Bible: The King Honors Daniel. Daniel 6:3
Devotions: Soon. Revelation 22:20-21
Reading: Open Windows. At Play: The Dime, A Funny Sled
Read Aloud: The Value of Humor: The Story of Will Rogers (character, social studies)
Handwriting: John 8:31-32 Then said Jesus to those jews which believed on him, if ye continue in my word, then ye are my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
Math: Lesson 87.
Science: We are so far behind where I wanted to be on science. Too bad because we always have such fun. I try to make it as hands-on as possible, not like what I suffered through in public school.
- Read Forces and Movement
- Read Science All Around Me: Forces
- Defined what forces are. Discussed concept that nothing moves unless something acts upon it with a push or pull.
- Experiment: Choose a toy with wheels. It does not move unless you push or pull it. She tried both pushing and pulling the stroller.
- Looked at the pictures in the books of things in motion. Identified what was moving and what caused each thing to move.
- Observe objects in motion around you and tell which force (push or pull) makes them move. Some ideas to get you going: writing your name, kicking a ball, opening a jar, lifting a book, going down a slide.
- Forces in Nature. The wind or air is a natural force. Experiment: Blow in straws to make a cottonball move. What force is used? Push or pull?
- What are some other ways of making the cottonball move? (Sucking air into the straw - pulling.)
- Manufactured Forces. We learned how the wind-up toy works by force.
- A force can also change the way something moves. Experiment by pushing a book across a bare floor, first slowly, then a second time quickly. How fast it goes depends on the amount of force used. We also learned how friction effects force by running a toy train across a bare floor vs. a carpeted floor.
- Think about times when something was already moving and you used force to change its speed or direction. Examples include: pedaling a bicycle, pushing a merry-go-round, skating, playing wth a ball, etc.
- Some objects require more force to move than other objects. Brainstorm some light and heavy objects. Is it easier to move something that is on wheels or not?
- Movement. Experiment: Played Follow the Leader around the house. We took turns being the leader with directions like, start, stop, faster, slower, forward, backward, turn left, turn right.
Specials Day/Dance Lessons
Devotions: We Have Been Rescued. John 1:9-14
Reading: Open Windows. At School: I Can't Find It, Lunch for Bobby
Read Aloud: The Value of Love: The Story of Johnny Appleseed (social studies, character)
Language/phonics: Lesson 80.
Music: Dress rehearsal for Christmas program at school.
Field trip: Bank. Learned about investments.
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