Sunday, November 8, 2009

Homeschool Highlights - week of November 1-7, 2009


Living Inside Out Children's Church. November's Theme: StarQuest.  We had great fun participating in the dancing and games.


Phys. Ed.: We started with exercises and outside playtime. I hope to explain these more later, but right now time is short. Jumping on the trampoline, swinging on the rope swing, doing relay races in the field, riding bicycle in the driveway, and toe touches.

Calendar: We counted that November is the 11th month, then we reviewed the days of the month poem. She put the correct days on the magnetic calendar. We talked about events and holidays this coming month.

We learned the ASL sign for November. Then she colored a picture from the Nov. Idea Book.

Reading/Social Studies: We've been reading through some old editions of American Girl Magazine. Shayla likes to point out similarities and differences with her and other girls.

Reading/Phonics: Shayla read Whoa Foal! for the last time, so her reward was playing around on the starfall site for awhile. She also completed a page in her phonics workbook.

Math: We counted out Box Tops for Education labels that we have been saving. It was good practice of counting by 10's. We saved $16 worth to donate to our local elementary school!

Writing: Started Badge 4. I can't believe the difference in Shayla's writing lately. At the end of preschool - age 6. It was estimated that Shayla's fine motor skills were that of an 18-24 month old. Two and a half years later, her handwriting is beautiful. I think it is every bit as good, if not better than a typical Second Grader. This beautiful handwriting just started. Interestingly, it started almost the same time that I started doing the Brain Balancing Exercises with her.

Attended Kings Kids and Morgan's Band Award Ceremony/Concert.

Tuesday: Nothing noteworthy.


Therapy: We did our exercises in the snow! Yes, we got our first snowfall today. Although, the weatherman on TV said it wasn't sticking - it did at our house, at least until noontime.

Social Studies/Art: We have been working on projects from the November Idea Book. Shayla made a paper cornucopia today. Each day she will color and cut out a piece of fruit to put in it. On the fruit she will write something she is thankful for.

We are also learning about Thanksgiving traditions around the world. Today we learned about Greece.

Thursday:  Field trips. 

1st Stop.  We went to a local candy store and learned about chocolate and got to make our own chocolate covered pretzel stick and peanut butter cup. 

2nd Stop.  We visited the downtown carousel. 

3rd Stop.  We toured a shop that restores and makes horses (and other animals) for carousels.
Here's a carousel house they will restore.

The head and the body in the next picture will be one horse.

We attended the funeral of a friend and neighbor. 


Shayla received an award at the Snowflake Festival at the state park.  This was from becoming a Junior Naturalist this past summer.  She received a beautiful certificate and her choice of nature guides.

Here are all the children that were honored as Junior Naturalists.
After the award ceremony, she and dad participated in the spider hunt, making bird houses for the nature center, and other activities.

For a glimpse into other homeschools, visit Kris at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

1 comment:

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

That's a lot of box tops. We actually collect them for our local homeschooling group. We use them for our annual ice cream social.
BTW I remember doing +2 for two months when my son was in second grade. I've read that book "Better late than early" and I totally agree with not starting formal math til 8 or 9. I don't think their brains can handle it. Why are we stressing ourselves? :) I am totally slowing down. I want him to have the confidence to try new things. Not to struggle the entire time.