We started the Bible ABC's awhile back. We usually did these activities on Sundays when my child wanted something to do. Yes, she begs to learn! We have been attending children's church for several months, so she is satisfied with that. Recently, we had the opportunity to finish the lesson.
We broke this into several lessons because there was just too much to do.
Day 1:
Baby Moses
As always, DLTK had wonderful ideas for learning lessons. We love the color pages, crafts, and songs at this site.
We watched The Prince of Egypt video. Shayla really learned alot from this movie. Almost daily she talks about something new in the video.
She acted out the story by putting her babydoll in a basket boat.

Reading: We read and did motions to the story in the 100 Bible Stories/100 Bible Songs. Then we watched the story on the Read and See DVD Bible. We did these steps daily.
Music: We sang and did motions to He's Got the Whole World in His Hands from the stories mentioned above and Baby Moses from The Singing Bible.
Day 2:
M is for Mother
We read a lovely little book called I'm Glad I'm Your Mother by Bill and Kathy Horlacher. We discussed times when I was especially glad that I was Shayla's mother.
M is for Manners
We read A Child's Book of Manners by Ruth Shannon Odor. We discussed different scenarios and manners to be used in those situations. (social skills)

M is for Money

We read The Magic Money Box. We talked about the different coins, then we set up our own grocery store. Sorry no coupons! Shayla bought items with her coins. We only practiced which coins to use and counting - no change making today! (No coupons, either - another day, another lesson!)

My super shopper only spent $3.61 oop for two bags and a grocery cart full of savings! I'll bet I'd have a hard time beating that deal!
M is for Moon
We read Papa Please Get the Moon for Me by Eric Carle. We discussed how this story is just fantasy, but it's based on the actual phases of the moon. We started keeping a moon phase journal. Shayla will draw what the moon looks like each night.
Day 3:
Moses and the Burning Bush
As always, we did the color pages and songs from the above mentioned resources. Also, some time ago, I found sheets of stickers and scenes of Bible characters from the dollar store. Shayla loved putting stickers on the Moses one.
She used squeeze and paint brushes to paint a burning bush (art). We discussed color mixing and mixed red and yellow together to make a fire color (science).
Character: Shyness. We discussed how Moses told God he was not good at speech. Did God take that as an excuse? NO! I explained to Shayla that God gave Moses the words to speak, and that if we pray and practice, He will give her the words, too.
I explained that we can not tell others about Jesus if we do not use our words. We have been working on this issue since the beginning of the year.
Day 4: The Plagues
We sang the song, Pharoah, Pharoah. This is an old, beloved song in our family. The youth minister at the church we used to attend used to put a shepherd hat (whatever they may be called)and dark sunglasses on. I can still see him dancing and grunting to that song. LOL! (music)
This is the second time we have done these studies on Moses. The first time was as a preschooler. I came up with activities for all of the plagues, but my memory is getting bad because I can't remember what we did! We couldn't do all the activities again either, because have other lessons planned to do.
You could google each of the plagues and plan a science plan around it. We were lucky enough to have hail today, so we discussed what hail is. Shayla was worried that it was a plague sent to us. LOL!
For frogs, we played flipping frogs. I bought these silly things at the dollar store years ago. We have used them so many times in so many ways. Recently she learned how to actually make them flip. But we have also used them many times for math. We counted them, categorized them by color, talked about distance and made estimates, I hid them around the house and she found them.
Several weeks ago we learned about tadpoles and frogs. We even went on a tadpole hunt Saturday, but did not find any yet.
Our study of the sight sense and the blindfold game we played worked well for the plague of darkness.
Day 5: The Ten Commandments
We found lots of little songs to help memorize the 10 Commandments. Her favorite was this one sung to Jingle Bells.
We also made the Moses papercraft.
M is for Mountain. God sent Moses up to Mount Sinai, so we learned about mountains. We looked on a map of the US and the world, pointed out and named all the mountain ranges we could find. We read a funny version of She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain. And sang the bear went over the mountain.
We would have really delved into learning about mountains for science, but this is summer fun schooling.
M is for Music. We are working on two Brownie scout badges for this part. I will post about them later.
Suggestions: Be fun, dance to silly music. Play instruments, make instruments, listen to different types of music.
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