Monday, April 6, 2009

Dancercize Try-it Badge

Dance Party:

Morgan was supposed to be cleaning her pigpen, instead I found both girls dancing to the blaring music! What a way to kick off this badgework!

Aerobic Activity:

We discussed aerobics are good for your body because they get your blood pumping. I asked what exercises Shayla does that makes her heart pound. Her answers were swinging, jumping on the trampoline, and running. Since it is raining and snowing here today, we had to stay inside. Instead of doing the few exercises in the handbook or even bouncing on the exercise ball or the mini trampoline. We watched and exercised with the Christian Fitness program on tv. We really enjoyed it, but I know I will be feeling it tomorrow!

Dance on Stage:

We have seen various performances onstage. The most memorable was last year's Dancing Wheels show. They retold the story of Helen Keller.

Another fun thing we did was watch an epidsode of Dancing With the Stars together. We tried to imitate several of the dances.
My Own Dance:
Shayla enjoyed dressing up in one of her Disney gowns and making up her own dance. It had lots of spinning in it, of course!

Follow the Leader:

We took turns being the leader and making up motions.

Animal Moves:

Shayla had so much fun doing these for her Animals badgework, we did it again. She likes to dance and do motions to the Animal Actions song. I think it's by Greg and Steve, but I'm not sure.

First, she had to dress up in her dalmation costume, then she made up several animal moves of her own.
We had fun jumping like a rabbit, crawling like a seal, walking heavy like an elephant, inching like an inchworm, walking sideways like a crab, and jumping like a frog.
I also reinforced directional words (ie..sideways, etc) adjectives (heavy, etc.)and verbs (jumping, etc). This active way makes it "click" in her brain.

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