Reading: We started again with read aloud time. We read a book called I Want Your Moo: A Story for Children About Self-Esteem by Marcella Bakur Weiner. It was a funny story about a turkey that didn't like the way she sounded. She asked all the other barnyard animals to share their voices with her. In the end, she discovered that her voice was just right for her. I think we will read this book several more times to see if it helps to build up Shayla's confidence.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Bible: Letter I. We started by watching Abraham Obeys from the Read N See DVD Bible. We sang Whereever you Lead. Then we learned God Will Build a Nation song from The Singing Bible. We also sang Rock My Soul. (music) We reviewed verse Psalm 141:2 - using language and sign. (memory, foreign language)
I is for infinity. This was a fun math activity. I gave Shayla an empty peanut butter jar and a bag of m&m's. I asked her to count out 10 and see if it fills the jar. It didn't even cover the bottom. I asked her how many she thought it would take to fill the jar. She thought 100. So we counted and added m&m's till the jar was full. BTW, it was much more than 100. 453 (or a whole bag to be exact.) We had fun counting and adding together. This activity goes with God telling Abraham his decendants would be like the stars. (math)
Literature: Peter Rabbit. We sang bunny songs and fingerplays. (music & movement, math) Here are some fun bunny activities. We learned all about rabbits at Hopper Home. Shayla decided she would like to have a bunny. Oh boy! Another pet! LOL! (science) We discussed what rabbits eat. We just happened to get our garden seeds in the mail the other day, so we checked off the order. We decided if Shayla does get rabbits, we will need fence around the garden! Then Shayla used some old grocery ads to cut out what rabbits like to eat. She picked out spinach, lettuce, cabbage, and carrots.
We had counter strips with seed packets, trowels, watering cans, etc on them. We used these to do simple addition and subtraction problems. (math)
Shayla made a paper Peter Rabbit. This was a really cute thing. It retells the story using pictures you color, cut and glue and put in the rabbits tummy. (fine motor, reading comprehension, memory, language). She also did a bunny dot-to-dot (1-20)and traced the word "bunny" and made a Peter Rabbit paper bag puppet.
We learned the asl sign for rabbit. (foreign language)
I wanted to do the bunny hop for music & movement, but I didn't have the cd, after all. There was no way I was braving the snow to go to the library today. Some other song ideas are: Rabbit Ain't Got and Peter Cottontail.
Snacktime: carrots, celery, radishes and cabbage (of course).
We ended the day by playing Reader Rabbit First Grade computer program.
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