Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Homeschool Days 46 - 48 November 6, 10 & 11, 2008

Homeschool Day 46 – Thursday, November 6, 2008

We didn’t get too much accomplished today. Remember in school when there was a substitute teacher and you goofed off and didn’t really do what you’d do with the normal teacher there?

Dad was Shayla’s substitute teacher. I had a dentist appointment right in the middle of our school day. Let’s just say I didn’t feel much like “playing school” afterwards, either.

We did finish our Brown, Bear, Brown Bear book. Shayla really liked this. She kept saying, “It’s just like the real book, only mine!” You can print your own copy here. Then she colored the pages appropriately, cut the animals out, glued them to the corresponding construction paper. I typed the words to Brown Bear, Brown Bear and added them to the page. These kind of things really encourage her to read! Sorry no pic - she took off with it.

Homeschool Day 47 – Monday, November 10, 2008

November specials: We read Arthur’s Thanksgiving. We discussed being a good friend. This also ties into our social studies theme of friends and family and scouts-at-home work on our Caring and Sharing Try It.

Activity (math): We reviewed counting by 10’s. Then she wrote the numbers by 10’s to 100. She is aware that her writing is not up to grade level. She stated today that she can’t write good, she makes everything a squiggly line and backward. *Note to self: Encouragement and more practice is necessary here! I praised her for her efforts and allowed her to trace dotted numbers I made after trying to make her own. This took quite a bit of time, as does most writing assignments.

Math: Shapes. We read Sing A Song of Shapes (reading). We practiced forming shapes with our hands and finger tracing shapes in the air (writing). We discussed attributes of shapes. (ie…Squares have 4 equal sides and 4 corners. Stars have 5 points, etc). We named several objects that were shaped like each shape.

Math: Sorting, Classifying. We got out the plastic shapes and sorted out the yellow shapes, so only the red and blue remained. I explained that color was the attribute we used for sorting.

Then we sorted by color, shape, and size.

We counted out these fish and seashell shapes. We sorted by color and counted using words like more, less, most, least, fewer, fewest. We also discussed estimating. Shayla was pretty close on several of her estimates.

Homeschool Day 48 – Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November Specials: We read Thanksgiving is for Giving Thanks. We talked about things we are thankful for. We talked about how we should have a thankful attitude all year round, but at this time of the year, people remember more to be. For her journal entry, she drew things she was thankful for. (She drew a turkey and her toys!)

Phonics/Reading: We completed Abeka lesson 5. She is doing wonderful with this stuff. Honestly, I think she is well beyond this, but since her writing is not where her reading level is, it benefits her to write the answers anyway. We reviewed letter blend ladders. I introduced sounds m, r and f. She matched letters to pictures beginning with sound. We made blend ladders for m, r and f. We even practiced adding a consonant onto the end to make words, she did ok with this. She did have some confusion with blend ladder #3. The blends are not in the proper order, but she caught on quickly. Today’s sound was short u vowel sound. I said several words aloud, when she heard the u sound like umbrella, she got to hit a balloon to me. Then after that game was over, I wrote all the vowels on the balloon. I said a word aloud and she would show me the vowel on the balloon that was the vowel sound of the word (e-pet, a-cat, etc)

She completed pg. 263 – Hidden Picture. She wrote the correct beginning sound on the line to make the picture word. Then she colored by code given.

Shayla was excited to read three Bob books to dad. He was excited that she was reading, too! Then she played the game we made reading rhyming words with the roots –am, -at, and –ad.

Spelling: We practiced making 3 letter words out of playdough. Shayla enjoyed playing in it and finding out that she could read more words than she thought!

Writing: We practiced making lowercase g’s on the lined dry erase board. I was having her do A Reason for Writing Kindergarten pages for writing, but it was a total waste of $$$ on the workbook. It also became a dreaded task for her. I think we’ll focus on learning one new letter a week and having review weeks. Maybe one day we’ll make them on the dry erase, on the aqua doodle, on the chalkboard, in shaving cream, snow, sand or rice. Then the final day she can do the workbook page. Or maybe I’ll have her do the fun stuff and one row a day on the workbook page. I haven’t decided yet.

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