Friday, August 15, 2008

Refrigerator Clutter Reducer

My husband and I dislike all the clutter of lists on our newly paid for stainless steel refrigerator. I guess the white paper blended in better on my old white refrigerator.
Anyway, I painted the inside of my kitchen cupboards with this chalkboard paint I had leftover from projects in my girls' rooms. I think it was about $10.
As you can see, I write my grocery list, daily menu, and other reminders to myself.
It reduces alot of visible clutter.
What unconventional ways of organizing have you come up with??


Jennifer said...

What a great idea! I will have to try that. the only problem is that you can't take the cupboard door to the store with you and if I don't take my list I will forget things. Actuallly I have been known to forget things even when I do bring my list.

Calina said...

Well, I've been known to lose a list or two. So I write it here, then copy it on paper when time to leave.

Anonymous said...

This is brilliant. I keep a dry erase board for my grocery list inside one kitchen cabinet door - but I really love the idea of chalk board paint!

HDMac said...

I love this idea. I hope you don't mind, I posted a pic with comments on my blog with a link back to your post! This is such a wonderful decluttering idea! Decluttering... what a concept this is right now in my life!!!