Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Used Curriculum Sale

For any of you that know me, you know I love books.  Ok, I am obsessed with books! 

Recently, I showed much self-control when I went to the annual used homeschool curriculum sale.  I actually spent less than $10. 
These were my buys on the left. 

Shayla's purchases on the right.

Books from the free pile.

You see, I kept all the curriculum I used for my older girls.  I made copies of many worksheets on penny a page day at Office Max.  (Yes, I spent hours tied to the copy machine! - Seriously)  I also collected many workbooks and pieces from yard sales, thrift stores, etc. etc.  This has saved us some serious dough!

I believe we have enough curriculum to homeschool till highschool.  Yes, highschool!  I mean by using what we have, the library, online resources, etc.

While looking at all the choices I became overwhelmed.  I actually got tired of looking at everything! 
Unfortunately, there is no magic curriculum.  There is nothing to replace your time and hands-on learning.  Your kids will understand the lesson better if you put yourself into teaching it.  Not teaching to tests and textbooks.  The public schools are good at that.

If you get the chance, listen to Favorite Homeschooling Ideas by Debi Pearl.  She is a veteran homeschooler from the days when there was not much curriculum out there.  Her advice is simply use what you have.  Just do it.   

The time and trip was not a waste.  It got me motivated to sell many of my used materials next year.  I actually have an idea of what kind of items and what to price them for.  I hope to collect them in a box all year around so it's not such a big undertaking come next spring.  :)

1 comment:

Julie said...

Our used curriculum sale is Saturday. I am trying to talk DH into going with me as a 37w pregnant lady trying to fight the crowds does not seem like the best idea. LOL
It's my favorite sale though. I usually can get most of what I am looking for for the new year for a GREAT price.