Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Please Be Patient With Me. . .

I'm sorry I have neglected this blog over the summer. Things have been moving around here faster than I can keep up!

Now, I know everyone has hectic lives, but I'm whining so loudly because summer is usually a much slower season for us, than during the school year.

Our family has a half-acre size garden. I have canned 52 quarts of green beans in only two pickings! Before that there were the pints of peas.

For the first time this year I am using a pressure canner to can. How I love this thing! I'm looking forward to canning some meats, homemade soups, and anything else I can think of. (If I ever have a few spare moments). Anyone have any ideas?

We have decided to try to do a fall planting on some things. I would like to put back more peas.

On the rare occasion that we're not weeding, picking, washing, prepping and canning all that wonderful organic produce, Morgan and I painted her room and decorated it to any teen girls liking. We still have a few finishing touches, but I will post more on that later.

My oldest daughter made it up for several days for a visit. It was so much fun! Well, maybe not for Morgan. Cassandra has been out on her own for several years, when she returns home, Morgan finds it hard to return to being the middle child again. After all, most of the time, she is the oldest now.

Our family has had more than our share of appointments this summer. Shayla went to a special hearing and balance disorder doctor. I wish this doc could have been her pediatrician. She did everything he wanted her to do - except for talk. We were finally able to get a correct diagnosis for her: hyperacusis with unknown origins. If you want to learn more about what this diagnosis is, click on the link. Yeah, we kind of already knew this. Basically, it's a fancy way of saying she over-hears everything. But, we did learn that she has no hearing loss. We were concerned because she has reverted back to frequently covering her ears in public settings again.

The girls also had eye and dental appointments. Morgan, my child that eats way more junk food than I would like had no cavities, Shayla, my child that religiously brushes her teeth (and I help), and has never had a soda pop, sugary cereal, a piece of pie, and eats a very healthy diet, had 4 cavities. WHERE'S THE JUSTICE THERE?

She has already had two filled and did fine. The next two will be done the end of the week.

Morgan had drivers education this year. She is doing her hours with her instructor this week. Oh, but we still have to find the time to drive 48-1/2 more hours with her before she can get her license! Ugh! That's hard to do because it has to be a time when it's only her and a parent in the car.

Morgan has also started fall sports. Cheerleading practices 2 evenings a week and Saturday and marching band starts next week. There goes my computer time for the next few weeks.

Shayla and I were able to attend all the summer reading programs at our library. She even got her weekly prizes. It was more fun for her this year because she read some of the books herself.

We also attended 2 sessions of Wild Week at our local State Park. I love the nature programs they put on. They always include a lot of hands-on things to play and crafts to do, pertaining to the lesson. Shayla was motivated to earn a Junior State Park Naturalist tshirt. To earn the tshirt, we have to spend a total of 15 hours at the park doing various activities. She has earned 12 hours to-date. If we attend Nature Detectives each Saturday for the rest of August, she will earn her free tshirt!

The girls got their Girl Scout projects judged last week. Their troop painted and decorated little wooden birdhouses for our fair booth.

At fair judging, the judge was very understanding of Shayla's unique disabilities and I was so grateful that she judged her project based on her capabilities, not on the apperance of the birdhouse. At the interview, Shayla was enthusiastic. She made eye contact and was friendly. She would quickly nod her head appropriately. The interviewer knew us from nature programs at the park and asked mostly yes and no questions. Shayla received an A grade on her project, Morgan received a B grade.

Ready for fair. Check!

Oh, and this week is our VBS. We are doing Rome: Paul and the Underground Church program. Let's just say that Michelle and her kids have done an awesome job of painting scenes and making props to make this the best VBS yet. I hope to share photos later!

And another thing I'm doing is working on lesson plans. I decided to write much of my own curriculum using library books and internet sites and combining many of the various homeschool books I already had on hand. I am one of those rare homeschoolers that write them for an entire year. If I don't get to it in the summer, there's not a slower season! I need to get going on that! I wanted to start slowly next week. Nothing like a little pressure there!

So, since I'm out of the loop, what has everyone else been up to this summer?


Jennifer said...

I am up to my ears in canning too right now. Glad you are figuring things out with Shayla.

Julie said...

What an awesome summer you have had. Sounds like a lot of fun!

Calina said...

I saw your post about canning. I just didn't have time to comment.

I am shelling out dried beans because I think 52 qts is enough for the year.

I think next week the tomatoes will be ready. We do massive amounts of tomatoes - juice, pasta sauce, ketchup, and salsa.

I know it sounds like fun, but I am so hoping it slows down a little.

I'm getting too old for this much fun! LOL!