Friday, June 12, 2009

Around the World Brownie Scout Badgework (Canada)

*We are combining our efforts and working on three badges (People of the World, Playing Around the World and Brownies Around the World). Other countries in these studies: United States


We started the lesson by locating Canada on the map and discussing the provinces. (Geography)

Again we made a clip art book of Canada. (fine motor) *I would love to show it, but it would probably be against copyright laws.

We read many library books about Canada including (reading):

  • Canada ABC's: A Book About the People and Places of Canada (A personal fav)

  • My Home Country: Canada is My Home

  • Letters From Around the World: Canada

We learned that Canada's name comes from the Iroquois word kanata. Kanata means "community" or "village." When French explorer, Jacques Cartier heard the natives saying kanata, he thought they were saying Canada. The name has remained. (History)

Language Hunt
Most Canadians are bilingual. They speak both French and English.

Here's some French we learned:

  • good-bye - adieu (a-DEW)

  • good evening - bonsoir (bohn-SWAH)

  • food - cuisine (kwi-ZEEN)

  • thank you - merci (mair-SEE)

  • no - non (NOH)

  • yes - oui (WEE)

  • please - s'il vous plait (SEE VOO PLAY)

Children of Canada

Shayla enjoyed learning about the children of Canada. They lead similar lives to ours here in the States.

Shayla found it interesting that Canadian children usually start school at age 6. The children start school around 9 am and complete the day at 1 pm.


Most of the country is Roman Catholic, but many Protestants attend the United Church of Canada. There are other groups, but they are not as prominant.


Much the same as the States. A Prime Minister is the Candian figure head. They also have two groups that make the laws, like our House of Representatives and Senate.

Brownie Scouts in Canada
We learned about Canadian Girl Guides. Many things are the same, but there are some differences. Including the promise, the names of the programs, etc.


Canada is known for hockey, but they also enjoy football and soccer.
We enjoyed playing soccer outside!

She inherited my athletic abilities! LOL!

We listened to and attempted to sing O Canada, the national anthem.

*BTW: This is a cool site, it has the national anthems to many countries in MIDI form andyou can also get the words to the songs.

World Stories
We read a Canadian folkstory here.
Note: There are many stories here, however, use your own discretion. Many I did not feel were fit for my 8 yr. old.

For more ideas check out the Canada section (and all the Countries & Cultures).

Canadian Cuisine

We made Come and Get 'em Cookies. I got this recipe idea from The Kids Multicultural Cookbook. The recipe appears to be the same as for No-Bake Cookies, but in addition, they add 2 cups of coconut.

Since other family members will be eating this, we omitted the coconut so they would get eaten. LOL!

Canadian Crafts

Again, there are many flags and printables at DLTK, but we did a clip art book, so we had plenty of printables.


New Year's Day (January 1)

Victoria Day (May)

Canada Day (July 1) Similar to America's 4th of July

Labour Day (1st Monday in September)

Thanksgiving Day (2nd Monday in October)

Christmas (December 25)

Boxing Day (December 26)

(social studies, history, geography, language, life skills, math, fine motor, reading, )

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