Bible: L is for Lazarus
I was not able to find much for this lesson. We read the storie of Lazarus and the Rich Man and Lazarus Raised in Doubleday Illustrated Children's Bible.
Most of the activity suggestions were not appropriate because of timing, but I'll list them for you anyway:
L is for lambs
L is for Lions. We will be learning about this for the month of March.
L is for litter. Unfortunately, we are still covered with a foot of snow, so I don't think there's too much litter that we could pick up. This will go more with Earth Day anyway.
L is for leaves. Gathering leaves and making rubbings of the different varieties. Again, since it's winter, there are no leaves.
L is for Letters. The suggestion is to write a letter to someone. We did not do this because we are focusing on writing out Bible verses to earn badges at the Heart Club.
We did do a fun activity that I borrowed from our church's VBS last year. I was going to have Shayla act out the story of Lazarus rising from the dead with her boy Barbies. To my surprise, she asked me to wrap her with tp. What fun we had! She would not participate in this at VBS last year, so I assumed she would not here, but what a surprise!
There's another new try! I guess she's earned another kiss for her jar!
Math: Addition. We played the dice game. We took turns rolling two dice and wrote out and solved the addtion problem. I introduced the words addend, total and sum. We worked with finding a missing addend in addition problems. We did some of these on the board and I helped her do her workbook page. She did not understand the missing addend concept - and even told me so. We used M&M's as counters and she magically understood it then! LOL! She practiced tracing and writing her own 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's and 6's. She also wrote out her 1's addition table.
We also played Addition War. She loved the colorful pictures on the cards and caught on to the game very quickly. She won fair and square!
Music & Movement: We danced and followed directions to several Dr. Jean and Hap Palmer tunes.
Phys. Ed: We braved the elements today and went outside. Seriously, it was halfway warm and the icicles were melting off our house, so we had some outside playtime. We had fun making tracks in the snow. We went all over the place. I MEAN ALL OVER THE PLACE! We have 10 acres of land. Do you know how many tracks we made?!? And, even though it's melting in some places, most places it's midway up my leg and some places to my knees! Forget the gym, what a workout. I have a feeling I'll be hurting tomorrow in places I didn't remember having! LOL! Shayla, well she fared better, being that she's only 46 lbs. she didn't sink through the snow in many places and if she did, it wasn't too deep. The sunshine felt great today, too! I NEED sunshine!
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