Monday, September 15, 2008

Homeschool Day 8 - Mon. Sept 15, 2008

We had a late start today, thanks to clean up from the windstorm. Morgan was also home, so keeping Shayla's attention was a big problem today.

We changed our day/weather signs. We reviewed days and counting in Spanish and ASL.

Math: We pointed to the number chart and counted by 1's and 2's to 100. We read the following books and counted with the books: The Crayola Counting Book, Buttons, Buttons (Shayla started to read this! Reading) The Bugs Go Marching (music) The Skip Count Song (music).

Reading: We put the alphabet flash cards in ABC order. We read several ABC books. Then we read Grover's Own Alphabet. It's a cute story where Sesame Street's Grover makes the letters of the alphabet with his body.

We used these charts. Sorry no photos of us doing these. This middle age gal is too out of shape! (movement)

Handwriting: She traced grapes (pg 10 ARfH-K). Shayla worked on her name on lined paper. First she traced her name (first and last) then, she traced over dotted letters to make her first and last name. On the last line, I turned her loose to try it herself. Some improvement.

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