Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Homeschool Highlights - Week of May 8, 2011


What a weekend!  Morgan's prom was yesterday and the afterprom was today, so we are all out of whack!

Read aloud:  We read a pile of books.  My favorite one was called Celebrating Mother's Day.  It gave a great idea for making a memory box. 

Speaking of Mother's Day, Shayla designed my Mother's Day card and the grandma's and her biggest sister's.  (art)

Phys Ed:  Played outside all day on this beautiful day.  She had a great time playing with three of her cousins.  Running, jumping, swinging, playing baseball, and anything else you could imagine.

Bible:  The Lord's Prayer.  Matthew 6:9-13
Devotions:  Thank You God!  John 21:1-14
Reading:  Come One, Come All:  Poems:  The Muddle, Lost at the Zoo, Story:  Tye May and the Magic Brush
Language/phonics:  Lessons 136-138
Math:  Made fact families using dominos.  Discussed logic/reasoning skills.
Spelling:  Write Long O words in sentences
Handwriting:  Psalm 34:3-4  O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.  I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.

Earth Day celebration at the state park.  I know the official Earth Day has passed, but our community celebrates later in the spring to hopefully have a nice weather day.
GCS Specials

Music:  Attended Morgan's band concert.

EEG test done. 

Bible:  The Ten Commandments.  Exodus 20.
Devotions:  Treasures.  Matthew 6:19-20
Reading: Come One, Come All:  Polar Bears.  Finished book.
Language/phonics:  Lessons 139-140
Handwriting:  Psalm 86:12  I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I glorify thy name forevermore.

Bible:  Psalm 100
Devotions:  Revenge.  1 Peter 2:21-25
Reading:  A Duck is a Duck:  Unit 1:  At the Park
Language/phonics:  Lessons 141-142
Handwriting:  Psalm 63:3-4  Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee.  Thus will I bless thee while I live:  I will lift up my hands in thy name.
  • Reviewed flashcards
  • Practiced subtraction facts
  • Put a tray full of 10 toys out.  Shayla counted the toys.  I took away some and Shayla made an equation.

Social Studies/art:  Countries and cultures:  Honduras. 
  •  Finished her paper pollo project.
  • Found this idea on Family Fun for Cinco de Mayo (yeah, we're a little late celebrating, as usual :)  She made a bark painting, but not out of bark, out of a paper bag. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Homeschool Highlights - Week of May 15, 2011


No worship services for us today!  We were all dressed and ready to go, but Shayla's bad attitude prevented us from going.  Oh well, we'll try again next week after working on behavior issues at home.  :(

After the attitude got adjusted, we had a wonderful day! 

Read Aloud: 
Read a pile of books from our bookcase.

Learning Games: 
  • Played several memory matching games.
  • Played Sorry!
  • Fruit of the Spirit board game (similar to Candyland)
  • Played on Fur Real Friends website
We did many art activities today.  Here are just a few:
  • Shayla painted a picture of Jack and the Beanstalk on her easel using her squeeze and paint.
  • Made a Crazy Colors picture.  Rubber band several crayons together and color and make a design.
  • Made several Crumple Paint pictures.  Crumple up a piece of paper and use to blot paint onto paper.  We discussed color mixing, too.
  • Nectar Sippers.  Cut flowers out of cupcake liners.  This idea came from Family Fun.
  • Sticker art.  Shayla took a sheet of stickers and made a scene with the stickers and drew in other effects.

When will the rain and cold weather stop?  UGH!  We skipped our field trip to the nature center today.

Bible:  Psalm 23

Devotions: Not Blown Away.  John 16:33

Phys Ed/OT:  Testing for foot dominance. 
  • Kicked ball 3x with right foot
  • Wrote name with foot - 2x with left and 1x with right
She seems to have a mixed dominance with her feet.

Reading:  A Duck is a Duck:  Theme 2:  What Is It?

Language/phonics:  Lessons 143-144

  • Used number line to solve subtraction problems with numbers above 10.
  • Played Boggle Math Jr. - Match It!
  • Played Easy Addition War card game.  For the first time ever, she did not have to count the pictures while playing!  Woo-hoo! 
  • Reviewed add/sub flashcards (0-10).  I am working with a smaller stack and she seemed to get most correct today.  Woo-hoo!
Spelling/Phys Ed/Language/Math:  How do these subjects have anything in common?  If you have a hands-on learner, you can relate.  LOL!

  • Reviewed consonants and vowels.
  • Spelled each long o spelling word aloud. 
  • If the letter was a consonant, we jumped on both feet, if the letter was a vowel, we jumped on one foot (which mostly was her right foot)
  • Discussed patterns (ie hope 2-1-2-1)
Science:  Discovering Seasons:  Summer
  • Discussed favorite things about summer. 
  • What's the weather like in summer.
  • Made a book describing what you wear in summer, what birds are doing in summer, what animals are doing in summer, what plants and the ground is like in summer.
  • Painted a picture of tree in summer
Social Studies:  Countries & Cultures:  Central America:  Costa Rica.  Watched a you tube on life in Costa Rica.

Handwriting:  Started Badge 10.  Psalm 121:1-2.  I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.  My help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth.

Social Studies:  Character Lessons: Watched a Berenstain Bear movie.  I love using these as discussion starters.  They present troubled behavior issues in a non-threatening way. 

Bible:  John 3:16-17
Devotions:  What Did You Say?  Ephesians 4:29-32
Phys Ed/OT:  Vision
Near vision:  right eye dominant 1 out of 1 time
Far vision:  right eye dominant 3 out of 3 times
Reading: A Duck is a Duck:  Theme 3:  We Read Books - finished
Language/phonics:  Lessons 145-146
Handwriting:  Psalm 121:3-4  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:  he that keepeth thee will not slumber.  Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

GCS Specials!

Languge/phonics:  Lessons 147-148
Handwriting: Psalm 121:5-6  The Lord is thy keeper.  The Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand the sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.
Music:  Shayla sang in her school's annual arts showcase show.
This is the art work made by Shayla that was displayed in the hallway.

Happy 10th Birthday, Shayla! 

What a day, first an appointment in the big city with the pediatric neurologist and back home.  After lunch we had to go to another town to order her Abeka materials. 

Finally late in the afternoon, the party began!
She got a butterfly hatching kit, a new bedset, pajamas, and a t-shirt.  Oh, and that twisty slide on the ground, well that is a birthday work-in-progress.  It is her very own playground.


Saturday:  Diary of a Wimpy Kid party at our library.  I love library programs!  They are always so much fun!  I didn't really understand the significance of all the games because it has been some time since we watched the movie and we have not read any of the books yet, but even at that, it was still fun!

Homeschool Highlights - Week of May 22, 2011

Sunday:  Worship services.  The sermon was about what part you play in Christ's body.  Shayla didn't really take much from the service, but she did enjoy the music, and singing, and being together as a family.

Bible:  Proverbs 3:5-6
Devotions:  Chips and Cupcakes.  Titus 2:11-14
  • Read The Cat in the Hat (reading)
  • Discussed rhyming words (spelling)
  • Wrote rhyming words -at, -an, -me, -in, -et (writing, spelling)
  • Made a Cat in the Hat hat
Language/phonics:  Lessons 149-150

Spelling:  Long O words.  Used waffle blocks with spelling words on them.  Rolled and made a sentence using both words.  Wrote sentences on the white board.

Handwriting:  Psalm 121:5-6  The Lord is thy keeper:  the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.  The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

Science:  Watched You Tubes on how MRI tests are performed.  And later in the afternoon, she had one done.

Bible:  Romans 10:9
Devotions:  Which God is True?  1 Kings 18:36-39
Reading/creative writing/art:  Write and illustrate a silly rhyming story.
Language/phonics:  Lessons 151-152
Spelling:  Test 100% correct :)
Handwriting:  Psalm 121:7-8.  The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil:  he shall preserve thy soul.  The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forevermore.

Health/4-H:  I Spy in the Kitchen:  The Secet of the Food Guide Pyramid.  We learned about the food pyramid and learned that Shayla is eating according to the guidelines, with the exception of milk/dairy.

Science:  Discovering Seasons - Fall.  A Time to Get Ready. 
  • Read pages 122-123. 
  • Made a fall book
  • Painted a picture of a tree in fall
Dance lessons

Bible:  Matthew 18:1-6
Devotions:  Sweet Justice.  Romans 3:22-24
Reading/writing/art:  Wrote and illustrated favorite nursery rhyme, Humpty Dumpty.
Language/phonics:  Lessons 153-154
Health/4-H:  I Spy in the Kitchen:  Clues in the Kitchen.  This was like a scavenger hunt in my kitchen drawers!
Handwriting:  John 14:12  Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also, and greater words than these shall he do, because I go unto my Father.

Language/Phonics:  Lessons 155-156
Handwriting:  John 14:13-14  And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.  If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Homeschool Highlights - Week of May 29, 2011

Sunday:  Worship services.  On the way to church, Dad spotted this turtle walking on the road.  He picked him up so he didn't get squished on the road and brought him home to our little water pond.  Shayla has named him "Turquoise" after the turtle on Blue's Clues.  So far we are all having a great time finding worms for the turtle to eat.  I don't know how long that will last!

Then we went to the local cemetary where Morgan and her high school band put on the annual Memorial Day program to honor veterans. 

Bible:  Matthew 22:36-39
Devotions:  Perfect?  2 Samuel 22:31-33
Reading:  Read A House is a House for Me.  We discussed the main idea and pointed out the compound words.  Completed pg 273 Two Words in One Compound Word and verbally classified homes/animal habitats.
Language/phonics:  Lessons 155-158
GCS picnic at the state park.  We had a wonderful time with some of our homeschooling friends

Phys Ed:  We came home and went swimming.  We noticed Shayla's arms were covered in dime sized welts and thought she was having a severe reaction to poison ivy from the park.  Thankfully, it turned out to not be poison, but was a reaction to a new vinyl pool raft.

Bible:  Genesis 1:1-5
Devotions:  A Gift to Read.  Psalm 67
Some time ago, we mailed off the required Bible verses to earn Badge 9 prize pack and here are the awards she received.

Language/phonics:  Lessons 159-164
  • Place values.  Used popsicle sticks to make numbers (ones & tens) 
  • Reviewed addition/subtraction flashcards
  • Played Boggle jr. Picture Addition
Phys Ed:  Lawn darts

Reading:  Read 10 books aloud to earn HE Buddy t-shirt and prize pack.  (Since I'm behind in posting, we did mail it in and received this awesome prize pack about 2 weeks later!) 


Reading:  Completed reading 8 books aloud for the Barnes and Noble summer reading program.  We went to the store and for her free book prize she picked out Flat Stanley, Flat Again by Jeff Brown.

Multiple subjects:  Attended a homeschool carnival put on by friends in a neighboring community.  We had a great time talking with old friends, meeting new friends, (well, mom and Morgan did ;) playing games, etc.

Geography/Social studies/computer skills/writing/language/foreign language:  Completed her first Little Passports kit.
Science/art/multiple subjects:  Nature Detectives program at state park.  Theme:  Insects:  What's Bugging You?

Homeschool Highlights - Week of June 6, 2011

  • Attended worship services.
  • Read sunflower themed books
  • Rode bike (phys ed)
  • Wrote a letter and addressed an envelope to a friend (handwriting)
  • Played yard darts (phys ed)
  • Completed Secrets of Measuring for 4-H, part of her I Spy in the Kitchen project.  (home ec, math - more/less, measurements, fractions, following directions.  Since we were measuring anyhow, we made the rest of the family some delicious, chocolate no-bake cookies. 


Language/phonics:  Lessons 165 - 170.  Finshed Abeka 1 language/phonics.  Woo-hoo!
Field trip:   to our public library to pick out books for summer reading
Reading:  Read books for summer reading
Character lessons:  Watched a Berenstain Bears DVD and discussed behaviors.
Phys Ed:  Swimming

Reading:  Summer reading books
Phys Ed:  played t-ball, lawn darts, swimming, played cornhole, jumped on the trampoline, and rode bike


Completed Five Senses, a Brighter Vision Learning workbook.
Dance lessons

Completed Space and Planets, a Brighter Vision Learning workbook

Completed Our Earth, a Brighter Vision Learning workbook
Phys Ed:  Played Wii
Music:  Played Rock Band and Guitar hero with family.

Costume party at her friend, Emma's house.  This was a disasterous experience.  She did not want to play with the kids, but instead wanted to stay by me during the fun. 

Homeschool Highlights - Week of June 12, 2011


Worship services.

 Infield for an afternoon of playing on the playground, putt-putt golfing (well, in Shayla's case, it was more like coralling. :)  And riding in the go-karts.  Shayla was too short to drive the big cars, but she liked it so much she asked Dad if she could go by herself in the little cars.  Whoa!  Did someone take my child and replace her with a look-alike? 

We had a great time and also enjoyed socializing with some of our church family.  Well, at least, Mom and Dad did.  :)


Art:  Made a bear foam craft kit.

Bible:  John 14:1-6

Devotions:  Old Yet New.  Lamentations 3:22-23

Reading:  Unit 1 of Helicopters and Gingerbread

Multiple Subjects (math, science, fine motor, language, reading, spelling):  Our Earth a Brighter Learning workbook

Read aloud:  Flat Stanley, Flat Again by Jeff Brown

Phys Ed:  Played Bocce ball

Science:  Observed our caterpillars and help set up the habitat to hatch out some painted lady butterflies. 

Travel Club at our local library (various subjects:  socialization, social studies, geography, art, music, phys ed)

The kids learned about several countries in a fun, hands-on way.  The kids were each given a passport and at each country, they received a sticker symbolizing the country.

  • First we traveled to Japan and listened to a story.
  • Next we traveled to Australia and learned to play a marble game.
  • Then on to the Caribbean were we made a musical shaker with a water bottle and dried beans.  We also enjoyed a friendly game of limbo, complete with some Caribbean tunes.
  • Lastly we traveled to Argentina for tea time. 


Flag Day!  We discussed Old Glory and what flags in the past looked like (social studies)

Bible:  Matthew 5:13-16

Devotions:  Sticky Brains.  Psalm 119:97

Reading:  Helicopters and Gingerbread  Unit 2:  Here Come the Helicopters

Read Aloud:  Flat Stanley, Flat Again

Multiple Subjects:  My Busy Day.  A Brighter Vision Learning workbook

  • Place value with popsicle sticks - 10's and 1's
  • Reviewed addition and subtraction flashcards
Phys Ed:  Bocce ball

Reading:  Read a pile of books for pleasure

Science:  Observed caterpillar habitat

Health:  We worked on I Spy in the Kitchen 4-H project - Digging for Veggie Snacks.  She is making snack for demonstration.  It is carrots and celery sticks.

 We discussed the importance of washing produce, even if it is organic and she helped wash it and put it into the tray.  She did not help cut the veggies because she's not demonstrating the ability to use a knife at this time.

Multiple subjects:  4-H meeting. 

This is the ceramic stone she sketched at the last meeting after it has been baked.  It will be in our group's fair booth with everyone else's.

We watched Daniel do a demonstration on getting a boiled egg into a bottle and out again (science) 

Shayla did her demonstration for snack.  No she did not give a speech, but I did assist her and she shook her head to yes/no questions.

Casey gave his demonstration on monarch butterfly habitats.


Phys Ed:  Ballet and clogging lessons

Art:  Made another foam craft project.

Science/4-H:  Packed backpack and went out on first nature hike for 4-H project, Let's Explore the Outdoors. 

This is what was in her emergency kit.
Taking the whole gang on the hike!  Probably won't see much wildlife with the company she is keeping!

 Animal signs we found:  a bird feather, a snake hole, a deer track, and an hole in a tree for a bird.
Took an herbal field guide and identified native plants and discussed medicinal properties.

Top:  Blood root
Bottom:  may apple


Bowling with the family!  (phys ed)  We signed up for two free games of bowling each day at http://www.kidsbowlfree.com/.  This was the first time Shayla had ever bowled and we all had a great time! 
The girls did have the extra bonus of bumper bowling. 
Not bad for first time bowlers!

Saturday:  Nature Detectives program at the state park.  This weeks' theme is:  Scat and Tracks/Animal Signs:  Who Was Here?
Kids and adults were grossed out by the rubber animal scat.  We formed our own scat out of tootsie rolls.  Unbelievably, the kids ate their scat.  Ewww! 
We looked at these plaster of paris models of animal footprints.Then we made tracks in sand.

In the evening we went back to The Infield to ride go-karts.  Shayla wanted to share the experience with Morgan and her boyfriend, Chris.  This time we bought wristbands for $15 each and rode for an hour.  Let's just say that an hour is more time than anyone needs to ride a go-kart!


Despite being dizzy, everyone having bruises and back pains and being covered in some black substance from the track, we had a great time! 

Then we went to the local playground for more fun, but no photos because my camera battery died.