Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Homeschool Day 65 - Tues. Dec. 9, 2008

Activity: Math. Using counters, make and write addition sentences with the answers of 8.

Math: Addition. Hold 4 counters in one hand. Count. Move some counters to other hand and count. Then show how many in other hand - count. This is a simple visual to understand grouping. Repeat with different number combinations. I also write the number combinations on the white board (ie 1+3=4). Shayla also practiced writing numbers 1-10. We have gotten away from this, but it became apparent that she needs daily number writing drills, in addition to letters. She had basically forgotten how to form 2-8 without dotted lines. UGH!

Reading: Suggested reading was How Many Feet in the Bed? by Diane Johnston Hamm, but our library did not have this book, so we made due with The Foot Book by Dr. Seuss. We reviewed nouns and introduced singular/plural nouns. (ie...foot - singular, feet - plural). Then we traced our feet, decorated them, and cut them out. We also took this time to review left and right, since Shayla still has a problem with this from time-to-time. We put on puppet shows with our decorated feet. She solved her wooden feet puzzle. Then she walked around with a 12" ruler measuring things to see if they were more or less than a foot. (reading, grammar, math, art, writing, sensory)

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