Daily: Abeka reading, phonics, spelling and math lessons. Reviewing Badges. Presidents challenge for phys ed (1 hour daily), enjoying books together, and summer reading programs.
Our library is doing a program called Water Wonders. It is science exploration for kids in 3rd - 6th grades. This week's theme was Bubbles!
We read these books at home to get excited about the program.
Miss Ellen is explaining the chemistry and physics of H20.
On the right, the kids did an experiment about carbonation. They put raisins into a cup of Sprite. The bubbles caused the raisins to rise to the top and lower to the bottom several times.
At the last station, the kids made their own bubble wands from pipe cleaners. The only rule was, it could not be round!
After going to each of the four stations, it was time for some outside for some hands-on bubble fun!
Our topic was Flag Day. Now I know it was celebrated yesterday, but we read and learned about it.
Our topic was Flag Day. Now I know it was celebrated yesterday, but we read and learned about it.
Phys Ed: Completed her first Presidential Active Lifestyle Award! She's been earning this for six long weeks!
Bible/Art: Balloons.
Memory verse: I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Psalm 9:2
Phys Ed: Completed her first Presidential Active Lifestyle Award! She's been earning this for six long weeks!
Bible/Art: Balloons.
Memory verse: I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High. Psalm 9:2
And we made this paper plate balloon.
We attended a concert at our library for summer reading. The performer was Chip Richter. One habit that we have gotten into, since Shayla likes knowing what's going to happen next and routine, we do an internet search for the performers before we attend the show. Quirky? Yes!
Our annual trip to see our doctor. His specialty is envirnomental allergy. This is similar to the medicine that Dr. Doris Rapp made famous with the book, "Is This Your Child?" We have been seeing this doctor for over seven years now. Oftentimes, I joke with him that we will be in his next book. Deep down I honestly wonder if we will. . . at the very least, I'm sure our case may come up at a medical conference.
On doctor days we don't stop learning, we take it on the road - carschooling. We talk about sights we see along the way. Today we noticed the clouds, hills, rock formations, and of course the pond in front of his office building. Another sight that we seen that was not a welcome sight, but one of the times. When getting off the freeway there were panhandlers at each exit. The signs they held proclaimed that if you could spare a buck, their kids would eat that day. Regardless, it brought up some interesting discussions.
Ballet lessons. Shayla is showing improvements every week! She wasn't even bothered by all the extra people in the room this week. Yay!
One of the happiest memories of my childhood was going to the drive-in movie theater with my parents. Although I rarely stayed awake during the whole film, it was enjoyable to dress in my pajamas and watch a movie in the outdoors. If we arrived early enough, there was a grassy area and playground to play on before the film began.
I wanted my children to experience this adventure, too, before all the drive-in movie theaters are a thing in the past. What perfect time to go on this adventure, the opening of Toy Story 3! We enjoyed the movie on opening night in the cool evening air of the outdoor theater. It was a memorable experience, Morgan was happy she got to drive our family there, and Shayla enjoyed wearing her pajamas.
Things have not changed much in the 30+ years since I've been to the drive-in, except the last time I went, you had to attach a sound box to your car window. Now you simply tune into a designated radio station. I know, I'm showing my age, here!
The other difference is they don't show the silly little cartoons about going to the concession stand. You know where the popcorn box and soda cup are dancing around. Anyway, I sent Morgan to the concession to buy a bottle of water for me and a small pop for her, it was $4.50! Major sticker shock!
Nature Detectives. This week's theme was Bobcats and Bears. Shayla made a cool imprint of a bobcat foot in plaster.
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