Friday, July 24, 2009

ASTC Travel Passport - Science Center & Museum Memberships

One of the fun things we did as a family was go on many homeschooling field trips, but even with the reduced fees that most places charge, the fees still added up. In addition to admission, the parking fees were outrageous.

Several years ago, we came across the ASTC Travel Passport. This membership allows admission and free parking to over 250 science centers and history museums around the country.

For information, call your nearest museum and ask for more information. We have not purchased a new pass for several years, but the price used to be $60 for a family membership. Twenty dollars cheaper than the membership to our local COSI science museum, yet they honored our passes. Very reasonable and affordable! We just included it in our homeschool curriculum budget.

Do you know of any programs similar to the ASTC Travel Passport? If so, please share.

1 comment:

Tonya @ The Traveling Praters said...

Hi Calina,

We purchased our membership through Boonshoft Musuem of Discovery in Dayton:
Not only will this give you the ASTC membership, but also the AZA (or zoo's) and if you pay a bit more ACM (Association of Childrens Museum). The reciprocal passes have saved us a TON of money over the years because when we travel, these are the places that we visit. Aquariums, Art Museums, Botanical Gardens, National Parks and Wildlife Refuges and even some State Parks have the same or similar programs. You just want to make sure it's going to be worth it to purchase. Now that I have 3 children over 12 it gets a bit pricier to visit these types of attractions, so the membership is often paid for in one visit. Enjoying your blog! Blessings, Tonya