Monday, October 13, 2008

Homeschool Day 27 - Monday, October 13, 2008

Homeschool Day 26 – Friday Oct 10 – Sun Oct 12, 2008

Each day we did about an hour worth of schoolwork a day. Nothing worth mentioning. Today we went way over in time, enough to count it toward these days.

Fall Activities (Social Studies) We did the Fall Harvest activities at the Discovery Station. We discussed what parts of plants we eat. We cut an apple and looked at the seed pattern. We will carve our pumpkin and do pumpkin activities later.

Scouts at Home (Social Studies) We’ve been working on our careers try-it. Today we learned about what teachers do. We read several books about teachers. Then I told Shayla she could be the teacher and teach me anything she wanted to. Sometimes I think I underestimate her reasoning capabilities. She said she chose to be a gym teacher and we should go outside and play “stilts,” running in the field, and jumping on the trampoline. We did. She made up the rules.

Let me just say that I haven’t had that active of a morning since high school gym class!

Grammar & Writing: We practiced making g, j, p, q, and y. I showed Shayla how to make them on our lined dry erase board. She traced my letters as I demonstrated step-by-step how to make each one. Talking about where they are in relationship to the middle line, as well as, the bottom line. She did well, except for letter y. Then I let her practice making letters in a tub of rice for sensory experience. Of course, she had to play “rain” in the rice, too. Then she completed a page of dotted a’s, practiced the above letters on paper, and a page where she traced all the lowercase letters.

Journaling: Shayla’s question today was draw why or why you would not like to be a bus driver. She drew a decent picture of a bus and said she didn’t want to be a bus driver because she wants to be a kid when she grows up!

Social Studies: We reviewed some feelings flashcards. All About Me theme. She drew pictures of herself and wrote her name and address. My Body theme: She learned about and added bladder to “herself.”

Social Studies: We learned about Columbus Day by using paper puppets and a puppet theater. I simply made the paper puppet “read” the page about Christopher Columbus in the Oct Idea Book. Shayla was intrigued with the puppet and freely conversed with it. Then we found Columbus’ route on the squishy globe. (geography) She had so much fun, she put on her own show!

Learning through Play: We had fun today solving various cardboard and wooden frame puzzles. It’s exciting to see Shayla’s progress in this area. I had not done this with her for awhile.

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