Friday, May 23, 2008

Our Butterfly - Shayla

My baby turned 7 last week. It hardly seems like it can be. So many things have happened in the past seven years.

Several weeks ago we studied butterflies in our homeschool. These are some of the things we did. As you can see, we love art and we love hands-on homeschool, like dressing up.

I realized that the butterfly symbolizes the transformation we have seen in Shayla. When she came into this world fearful and sensitive to everything in her environment. She had skin allergies and autistic symptoms. She is slowly morphing like the caterpillar into a beautiful, delicate butterfly. As we begin to understand her "issues" more and learn how to embrace her "differences" we are beginning to reach into "her own little world" and are drawing her out of it for bits of time to show her this world that we live in.

Our prayer for our beautiful little girl is that this year she continue to break out of her shell or cocoon and become the beautiful, social butterfly for everyone that we know she is.

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