Monday, November 14, 2011

4th grade week 10 – October 30, 2011


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building: Read and discuss Wisdom in the Bible pg 81

Complete About Fairy Tales Brighter Vision Learning Adventure book

Reading: Noah’s Ark by Linda Hayward. Write: What do you think it would be like on Noah’s Ark?

Activity: Make a list of farm animals. Draw a picture of your favorite one.

Math: Connecting Addition and Subtraction pgs 107-110

Teach counting pennies and dimes. Lay out one dime and one penny. Show how to count their value. Repeat activity using two or more dimes. Create cards with different amounts of money from 1-30 cents. Shayla is to make the amount written on each card as many different ways using pennies and dimes.

Complete Dime Climbs pg 228

Reading/language: Comparative Language. Use three identical drinking glasses and fill the first to where you would to drink it (about ½ inch from top). Fill second glass a little fuller, and the third to the brim. Write three sentences describing how full each glass is. Do not discourage creativity in expressing fullness.

How are people the same and different. Use –er and –est to compare.

Language: Sentence Building. Write a factual sentence. Add onto the sentence with a little more information. Add more sentences until she can think of no more. Complete Making Sentences pg 313

Language: Draw a picture of a big dog. Shayla writes about the dog in a sentence such as The dog is big. Shayla writes a sentence about the dog’s name, such as, The dog’s name is Toto. Teach how to join two sentences into one such as The dog is big and its name is Toto.

Write the following pairs of sentences and combine each pair into one sentence.

  • John has brown hair. John has green eyes.
  • We saw elephants at the zoo. We saw a baby monkey at the zoo.
  • Sarah went to Ricky’s birthday party. Tom went to Ricky’s birthday party.
  • My friend has a cat. My friend has a dog.
  • I eat with a fork. I eat with a spoon.
  • Dad needs a fork. Dad needs a basket.

Spelling: Complete Seeing Double pg 352. Pretest: ant, cost, desk, left, land, milk, wasp, pest. Scored 100% cancelled all other spelling activities for week.

Music:  Attended Morgan's band concert.  It was even more fun this time with Cassandra and Makayla.  Makayla LOVED the baton twirlers.

Seniors receiving awards


Family time visiting with Cassandra and Makayla.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building: Read and discuss Wisdom at Home pg 83

Reading: Pickles in My Soup

Complete About the House Brighter Vision Learning book


Field Trip: US post office


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building: Read and discuss Wisdom at School pg 85

Read Aloud: Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf and finished The Dog Who Saved Christmas

Reading: The 18 Penny Goose Chapter 1

Complete Cars and Trains, Ships, and Planes Brighter Vision Learning Adventures book

Math: Use Objects pgs 111-114

Math: Test pg 115. Five and Ten Relationships pg 117-118

Math: Representing Numbers on a Ten-Frame pgs 119-122

Activity: Write 4 short I words. Draw a picture of each one.

Activity: Create a list of 5 animals that live in the zoo. Write them in ABC order.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building: Read and discuss Wisdom at
Play pg 87

Reading: The 18 Penny Goose Chapter 2

Math: Recognizing Numbers on a Ten-Frame pg 123-126

Activity/math: Write 4 subtraction problems with answers of 4.

Math: Use a number line to teach counting pennies, nickels, and dimes. Create a number line 0-20 on a 4”x20” strip of paper. Draw a rabbit and set it on zero. Make the rabbit jump three times: first to 10, then to 15 and finally to 16. How far did the rabbit jump the first time? (10), the second (5), and the last (1). Write 10+5+1 and ask, “On what number did the rabbit land?” (16). Write =16. Put down a dime, nickel and a penny. Say the worth of each coin. Write 10+5+1 as Shayla names the value of each coin. Then Shayla counts 10,15,16 (cents) as you point to each coin. Repeat with other combinations of 3 coins.

Set out a dime, a nickel, and 2 pennies and Shayla counts change. Continue adding pennies to 20 cents.

Put down two dimes. Ask how much change is on table. Add a nickel. Ask how much now? Count it, touching each coin as she counts. Add pennies to reach 30 cents.

Reading/language: Fold a paper in thirds. Open and fold in half the other way. Write a comparing sentence in each box for Shayla to illustrate. Examples for 3 boxes: Maria made a big snowman. Forrest made a bigger snowman. Larissa made the biggest snowman.

Language: Look at the sentences written earlier in the week. Rewrite each sentence, changing word order, but maintaining the meaning. Example: The dog is big and named Toto can be rewritten as The big dog is named Toto.

Activity: Write the names of 5 people who help you.

Math: Choose one 25 cent item from store. Shayla shows several ways to make 25 cents. Introduce the quarter.

Hold up a quarter, discuss name of coin and value. Show it’s worth using only pennies. Then show it using just nickels, then nickels and dimes, and finally show using nickels, dimes, and pennies.

Show 25 cents using one coin, three coins, 4 coins, and more.

Fold a 9x12 piece of paper into six parts. Shayla writes 25 cents in the corner of each box. Next she places coins in a box equaling 25 cents. Shayla should draw around each coin with a pencil and write the value of each coin inside its outside. Repeat in the other five boxes, making each different arrangement of twenty-five cents.

Reading: Critical Thinking. Change one aspect of a familiar story and write how the story may have changed as a result. Examples: Cinderella never went to the ball; Red Riding Hood walked on city streets; or The Gingerbread Boy walked.  (Did verbally)

List three ways people are the same and three ways people are different. (Did verbally)

Complete Everyone is Welcome pg 280.

Language: Read the sentence parts. Write any word on the lines. Draw a picture of the last sentence.

I found my___.

I found my___ in the ____.

I found my___ ___ in the ____.

I found my ____ ___ in the ___ under the big ____.


Reading/language: Drawing Conclusions. Read the following example: Shandra wrapped the box in brightly colored paper. She placed the box under the tree in her living room. She told her brother he would have to wait 5 more days until he could open it. What conclusions can you draw from this passage? (It is Christmas and she has wrapped a present for her brother). Read and discuss Nate the Great in which a detective must draw conclusions from evidence.

Complete Reflect on the Riddles pg 279

Language: Add details. Write a simple sentence leaving out an adjective. Example: I see a ______dog. Fill in the missing word. Build the sentence by adding another detail, but leaving off a word for Shayla to fill in. Example: I see a brown dog running______. Continue building the sentence as in the following examples: I see a brown dog running fast on______. I see a brown dog running fast on the sidewalk after_______. Discuss how the sentence told more and more each time . Repeat this sentence building activity.

I see the ______ elephant.

I see the ____elephant eating.

I see the ____elephant eating_____as he stands by the ______.

I see the ____elephant eating_____as he stands by the ______ at the ______.

Shayla writes in missing words to develop a detailed sentence. Shayla draws a picture of the final sentence.

Math: Set up a “store” with items student may “purchase” to practice counting values. Leave original sales price on objects whenever possible. Keep values below 50 cents now.

4th Grade week 9 – October 23, 2011


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building: Read and discuss Obedience in the Bible pg 71 Read and discuss Obedience at Home pg 73

Social Studies: Highlights Top Secret Adventures: South Korea packet. Read Guide to South Korea Crater Island pgs 20-21 and South by Southwest pg 22-23 Masked Clues pg 20-21 and What’s What? Pg 22-23 Read Guide to South Korea The Open-Air Museum pg 16-17 and On the Waterfront pgs 18-19. Cabbage Patch Clue pg 16-17 and Beautiful Buddha pg 18-19 South Korea Historic Places pg 24-25 and Lakes and Mountains pg 26-27 Feast Your Eyes pg 24-25. Solve the mystery!

Reading: Shayla reads aloud and discusses The Deer in the Wood a My First Little House Book.

Handwriting: Colossians 1:18-19 And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.

For it pleased the Father that in him should all fullness dwell;

Address and mail badge 12!

Math: Introducing Subtraction Number Sentences pg 95-98 and subtraction workbook pages

Math: Stories About Separating pg 99-102 and subtraction workbook page

Spelling: Take final spelling test


Field Trip to Lifeline Christian Mission bagging gifts for sponsored children of Haiti.


Reading: Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff. Write: What would you do if you had your own dinosaur?

Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building: Read and discuss Obedience at School pg 75

Complete All About Me Brighter Vision Learning Adventure book

Public library


Field trips!

ImaginOcean at the Palace Theater. We read and discussed the informational packet that was mailed to us.

The Rain Forest presentation by Understanding Wildlife.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building: Read and discuss Obedience at Play pg 77

Social Studies: Highlights Top Secret Adventures: South Korea packet. Read Guide to South Korea South Korea Facts and Figures pg 28-31

Math: Stories About Comparing pgs 103-106. Finish up subtraction workbook.

Palace theater ImaginOcean show packet

Reading: Grizzwold by Syd Hoff

Complete Rain Forest Brighter Vision Learning Adventures book


4th Grade Week 8 – October 2011


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience in the Bible pg 51

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Going Fishing. Read The Fish That Goes Fishing pgs 80-82. To Catch a Fish pg 83. Read Little Bear and Owl pg 84-92. Answer Think It Over section (verbally). Write a new title for this story and illustrate.

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

Math: Introducing Addition Number Sentences pg 63-66. 2 digit addition/subtraction

w/o carrying worksheet. *For subtraction problems, solve using sticks.

Write the number 36. Shayla builds the number using sticks. Under the number write -12. Discuss what twelve means (1 ten and 2 ones). Shayla takes away three ones first then a bundle of tens from the 3 tens 6 ones. Emphasize the ones are taken away before the tens. Next, count how many ones and bundles of ten are left.

Spelling: Complete Cracker Crunchers pg 350. Spell each word verbally using a different silly voice each time. Write spelling words in sentences.

Activity: Fold paper into fourths. Write 4 short a words. Draw a picture of each one

Activity: Create a fall bookmark.

Reading/Language: Look through Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel for possessives. List each pair of words that show ownership. Examples: Mike’s friend, day’s end, and Phil’s truck. Write 10 sentences to correct/rewrite using ‘s. Example: This book belongs to Jane. (This is Jane’s book)

Language: Teach how to change simple statements into questions by changing word order. Complete Changing Sentences pg 311. Game: Play 20 Questions. Shayla generates questions that may only be answered yes or no in order to discover a person, place or thing you are thinking of.



Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience at Home pg 53

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Going Fishing. Theme wrap-up. Verbally answer two questions. Read Connections pg 94-95. Unit 2: Food Fun. Theme: What’s Cooking? Read Bookshelf pg 98-99. The Cake That Mack Ate pg 102-117.

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:17 And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and last:

Math: Stories About Joining pg 67- 70. 2 digit addition and subtraction w/o carrying worksheet

Present subtraction problems in written form with and w/o sticks. Example: 3 tens 6 ones – 1 ten 4 ones.

Write 3 tens and 6 ones. Shayla builds number using sticks. Under it, write -1 ten and 4 ones. Underline. Shayla begins in the ones column and writes how many ones will be left. Do the same for tens.

Activity: Unscramble the names of Columbus’ ships: atSna iMaar, niNa, nPait

Language: Review sentence sense. Write several sentences in nonsensical order such as The cat in the sun sleeping was. Shayla rewrites the sentences so they make sense.

Reading/language: Shayla picks two characters from Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel and writes two sentences for each telling what she likes or dislikes about the character.

Spelling: Use sidewalk chalk to write words outside.


4H/science: Let’s Explore the Outdoors. Exploring for Wild Animals. Pgs 21-22


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience at School pg 55

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Math: Adding in Any Order pg 71-74. 2 digit addition w/o carrying worksheet

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience at Play pg 57

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Write a poem about things you want to cook. You can use the sentence “I want to cook _____ because ____” to help you.

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Handwriting/Bible: Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

Spelling: test.

Math: Use Objects pg 75-78. 2 digit addition and subtraction w/o carrying worksheet

Activity: List three ways you can help prevent fires.



Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 2: Food Fun. Theme: What Are You Eating? Read Vegetables pg 121-128

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Handwriting: John 1:29 The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.

Math: Test pg 79

Subtracting ten: Build two-digit numbers with cubes. Then remove a stack of ten cubes and state the total out loud. Remove additional stacks and continue counting backwards by tens. Repeat, starting with a different two-digit number. Compare to a hundred chart.

Color patterns such as 93, 83, 73, 63, 53, 43, 33, 23,13on Hundred Chart.

Present two-digit subtraction problems using a tens/ones chart. Ex: 47-12. On a piece of lined or grid paper, write several subtraction problems to solve.

Activity: Design a fire safety poster.

Reading/language: Comparative Language. Read The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf. Introduce comparison language by asking Shayla to compare your size with hers. Fold a piece of drawing paper in half lengthwise. Label the left side Big and the right side Little. Shayla searches house for comparative pairs and draws or lists under each column. She may find that big and little are inadequate as descriptors since a bed is big in comparison to a slipper, but small in comparison to a house.

Language: Review building sentences. Begin with a simple sentence. Shayla builds up sentence with details. Example:

  • Tom bought a hat.
  • Tom bought a new hat.
  • Tom bought a new hat from the store.
  • Tom bought a new cowboy hat from the western store.
Spelling: Review phonics skill of l-blends. Plus, plane, flat, fly, place, float, clap, glide

4th Grade week 7 – October 16, 2011


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Contentment in the Bible pg 61

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 2: Food Fun. Theme: What Are You Eating? In My Mother’s House and Food Riddles for You. Theme Wrap-up: Verbally answer. Write riddles about a food Lionel likes, a food he doesn’t like, and a food YOU like.

Social Studies: Highlights Top Secret Adventures: South Korea packet

Handwriting: Colossians 1:13-19 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son:

Activity: Write 5 words using the letters in the word OCTOBER

Math: Understanding Subtraction pg 81-82. Two digit addition/subtraction worksheet

Money. Complete Henny Penny pg 224. Teach penny and practice counting out pennies and buying items with pennies.

Reading/language: Provide 3 different sizes of an item such as bottles. Shayla orders them and names each one. Shayla includes bigger and biggest or smaller and smallest in the description.

Write sentences on the board that use comparative language to describe the different sizes of bottles. Circle the er and est endings. The -est ending is used when comparing more than two items. Other items to compare are spoons, cups, and books.

Language: Shayla writes a sentence about something she has done. Then add another sentence telling what happened next or including more details. Complete Sentence Building pg 312

Spelling: Write spelling words in sentences.



Therapy session with vision therapist.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Contentment at Home pg 63 and Contentment at Play pg 67

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 2: Food Fun. Theme: More Cookies, Please. Read Cookies. Verbally answer Think It Over questions. Write: Add to the story. What do you think Toad will do with the cake.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Contentment at School pg 65

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 2: Food Fun. Theme: More Cookies, Please. Read

Cookies, Cookie Cutters, The Doorbell Rang. Verbally answer questions. Write about the cookies Ma made. Tell how they looked, smelled, and tasted.

Social Studies: Highlights Top Secret Adventures: South Korea packet

Handwriting: Colossians 1:14-15 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature:

Math: Finding Missing Parts of 6 and 7 pg 83-86 Finding Missing Parts of 8 pg 87-90

Review yesterday’s work. Introduce nickels and dimes.

Lay out rows of dimes, count by 10’s. Do same thing with pennies and nickels. Add names of coins and worth, value, cents, one, five, and ten to weekly spelling list.

Complete Five Hive and Marching Dimes pgs 225-226

Activity: Write 4 short-e words. Draw a picture of each one.


Reading: Shayla reads aloud and discusses The Puzzle Place – Bossy Kiki, It’s Not Nice to be Bossy.

Social Studies: Highlights Top Secret Adventures: South Korea packet

Handwriting: Colossians 1:16-17 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:

Activity: Copy and finish this sentence: I like this time of year because…

Math: Finding Missing Parts of 9 pg 91-94

Introduce and practice counting change (pennies and nickels).

Lay out one nickel and one penny and show her how to count (add up) their value. Point to the nickel and say, “five cents.” Point to the penny and say, “One more cent equals six cents. Five cents plus one cent equals six cents.” Point to and count the nickel and penny. Repeat this activity with one nickel, and two, three, or more pennies. Repeat using two or more nickels.

Write a different amount (1-15 cents) on each of several index cards. Put several nickels and pennies in a box with cards. Instruct Shayla to make the amount written on each card as many ways as possible using only nickels and pennies.

Complete Cent-erpillars pg 227

Spelling: Complete Fluffy Flapjacks. Spell each word aloud and act out meaning.

Reading/language: Look through Ferdinand and identify descriptive words. Then write sentences using the descriptive words in a comparative form. Example: Ferdinand is quieter than the other bulls.

Reading/language: Shayla compares attributes of sound (loud, louder, loudest), texture (soft, softer, softest) and appearance (bright, brighter, brightest)

Fold a paper into thirds. Label one third big, the next bigger, and the last biggest. Draw the same object (like an ant) in graduated sizes.

Write the words soft, softer, and softest. Circle the endings. Write words big, bigger, and biggest. Note the doubling of the consonant. Knowing that endings may change on root words may help identify words in the future. Other words to teach are late, kind, small, fat, deep, and tame.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

4th Grade Week 6 – October 9, 2011


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience in the Bible pg 51

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Going Fishing. Read The Fish That Goes Fishing pgs 80-82. To Catch a Fish pg 83. Read Little Bear and Owl pg 84-92. Answer Think It Over section (verbally). Write a new title for this story and illustrate.

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:16 And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

Math: Introducing Addition Number Sentences pg 63-66. 2 digit addition/subtraction

w/o carrying worksheet. *For subtraction problems, solve using sticks.

Write the number 36. Shayla builds the number using sticks. Under the number write -12. Discuss what twelve means (1 ten and 2 ones). Shayla takes away three ones first then a bundle of tens from the 3 tens 6 ones. Emphasize the ones are taken away before the tens. Next, count how many ones and bundles of ten are left.

Spelling: Complete Cracker Crunchers pg 350. Spell each word verbally using a different silly voice each time. Write spelling words in sentences.

Activity: Fold paper into fourths. Write 4 short a words. Draw a picture of each one

Activity: Create a fall bookmark.

Reading/Language: Look through Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel for possessives. List each pair of words that show ownership. Examples: Mike’s friend, day’s end, and Phil’s truck. Write 10 sentences to correct/rewrite using ‘s. Example: This book belongs to Jane. (This is Jane’s book)

Language: Teach how to change simple statements into questions by changing word order. Complete Changing Sentences pg 311. Game: Play 20 Questions. Shayla generates questions that may only be answered yes or no in order to discover a person, place or thing you are thinking of.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience at Home pg 53

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Going Fishing. Theme wrap-up. Verbally answer two questions. Read Connections pg 94-95. Unit 2: Food Fun. Theme: What’s Cooking? Read Bookshelf pg 98-99. The Cake That Mack Ate pg 102-117.

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:17 And when I saw him I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and last:

Math: Stories About Joining pg 67- 70. 2 digit addition and subtraction w/o carrying worksheet

Present subtraction problems in written form with and w/o sticks. Example: 3 tens 6 ones – 1 ten 4 ones.

Write 3 tens and 6 ones. Shayla builds number using sticks. Under it, write -1 ten and 4 ones. Underline. Shayla begins in the ones column and writes how many ones will be left. Do the same for tens.

Activity: Unscramble the names of Columbus’ ships: atSna iMaar, niNa, nPait

Language: Review sentence sense. Write several sentences in nonsensical order such as The cat in the sun sleeping was. Shayla rewrites the sentences so they make sense.

Reading/language: Shayla picks two characters from Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel and writes two sentences for each telling what she likes or dislikes about the character.

Spelling: Use sidewalk chalk to write words outside.


4H/science: Let’s Explore the Outdoors. Exploring for Wild Animals. Pgs 21-22

Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience at School pg 55

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Math: Adding in Any Order pg 71-74. 2 digit addition w/o carrying worksheet

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:18 I am he that liveth, and was dead; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Patience at Play pg 57

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Write a poem about things you want to cook. You can use the sentence “I want to cook _____ because ____” to help you.

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Activity: List three ways you can help prevent fires.

Spelling: test.

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 2: Food Fun. Theme: What Are You Eating? Read Vegetables pg 121-128

Social Studies: Little Passports: France

Handwriting/Bible: Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

Math: Use Objects pg 75-78. 2 digit addition and subtraction w/o carrying worksheet

Subtracting ten: Build two-digit numbers with cubes. Then remove a stack of ten cubes and state the total out loud. Remove additional stacks and continue counting backwards by tens. Repeat, starting with a different two-digit number. Compare to a hundered chart.

Color patterns such as 93, 83, 73, 63, 53, 43, 33, 23, 13 on Hundred Chart.

Present two-digit subtraction problems using a tens/ones chart. Ex: 47-12. On a piece of lined or grid paper, write several subtraction problems to solve.

Activity: Design a fire safety poster.

Reading/language: Comparative Language. Read The Story of Ferdinand by Munro Leaf. Introduce comparison language by asking Shayla to compare your size with hers. Fold a piece of drawing paper in half lengthwise. Label the left side Big and the right side Little. Shayla searches house for comparative pairs and draws or lists under each column. She may find that big and little are inadequate as descriptors since a bed is big in comparison to a slipper, but small in comparison to a house.

Language: Review building sentences. Begin with a simple sentence. Shayla builds up sentence with details. Example:

Tom bought a hat.
Tom bought a new hat.
Tom bought a new hat from the store.
Tom bought a new cowboy hat from the western store.

Spelling: Review phonics skill of l-blends. Plus, plane, flat, fly, place, float, clap, glide


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

4th Grade Week 5 – October 2, 2011


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Dilligence in the Bible pg 41

Social Studies: Social Studies: Around the World. Australia. Highlights Top Secret Adventures. Read Guide to Australia pgs 28-31. Complete Mystery Map pg 22-23, Hidden Outback pg 24-25, and The Final Walkabout pg 26-27. Solve mystery!

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Sand and Sea. Water Signs pg 26-29. Seaside pg 30. pg 31. Theme wrap-up verbally answer questions 1-2. Write: a story about what you might do or see in the water. What would you do first, next, and last, use some of the words from “water signs.”

Handwriting/Bible: Badge 12. Revelation 1:12 And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks;

Activity: Copy, finish, and illustrate the following: See the leaves falling down – Red, yellow, orange, and __________.

Math: Test pg 46-48. 2 digit addition worksheet without regrouping.

Addition and Subtraction: Use a number line to review addition and subtraction facts to 18. PE/game: Using masking tape, make a number line to 9 on the floor. Shayla stands at zero on number line and tosses two bean bags – one toss is an addend, the other toss is the sum. If one landed on 4 and the other on 5, Shayla would say the problem is 4+1 and what it equals (5). This can also be done with a number line to 18. As an alternative, Shayla can identify the subtrahend, minuend, and difference in each problem.

Reading/Language: Possessives. Introduce ‘s in possessives. Teach difference between plural s and apostrophe s. Hold up familiar items and ask to whom it belongs. Write: The book belongs to dad. Explain the shorter way to show possession is Dad’s book.

Read Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton

Language: Read poetry that does not include rhyming words. Note the use of alliteration (words beginning with the same sounds.)

Language: Read definition of poetry from dictionary. Draw conclusion that there is no set form for poetry. Discuss the many forms of poetry that you have read together. Rhyming verse is only one form. Poems often have a specific arrangement and rhythm of words (meter). A poem may be centered on a single object that is described using all the senses. It can be words written to create a picture. Letters in poetry may be arranged to create a certain feeling. Try to attempt to imitate styles of poetry.

Spelling: Take final spelling test.


4H/science: Let’s Explore the Outdoors. Special project #1 pg 16. Does woods soil or field soil soak up water the fastest?

Field soil

Shayla digging the black soil from the wetland

The rich, fertile soil from the wetland proved to be the best soil.

Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Dilligence at Home pg 43

Social Studies: Australia color page packet.

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Something Silly. All of Our Noses Are Here pgs 32-45. Verbally answer Think it Over questions. Write: Another silly thing the Browns might do on an outing.

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:13. And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle.

Math: Understanding Addition pg 49. Making Numbers pg 50. 2 digit addition worksheet without regrouping.

Math: Making 6 and 7 pg 51-54. 2 digit addition worksheet without regrouping.

4H/science: Let’s Explore the Outdoors. Stream studies. Pgs 17-19 . Our Second Trip – To a Field. Look for plants, animals, and birds. Pgs 13-16.



Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Dilligence at School pg 45

Social Studies: Australia. Complete color sheets.

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Something Silly. Sea Frog, City Frog pgs 46-60. Verbally answer Think it over questions. Write: Draw a picture that shows what City Frog thought the sea looked like. Read about the illustrators pg 61

Activity: Draw a picture of yourself doing something you like.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Dilligence at Play pg 47

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Something Silly. A Sailor Went to Sea, Sea, Sea pgs 62-63. Theme Wrap-up.

Social Studies: Australia. Color the Australian flag.

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

Math: Making 8 pgs 55-58. 2 digit addition worksheet without regrouping.

Place Value. Review building numbers using popsicle sticks

Activity: Fold paper into fourths. Write the name of 4 objects in the room and make a picture of each.

Reading/language: Reread Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel. Discuss the main idea or message of the story. Draw a picture of Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.

Spelling: Pretest: free, drive, grass, train, prize, cross, frog, grade. Review r-blends.

Language: Choose an activity that Shayla would like to learn to do such as bake a cake, go fishing, sew, or play a game. Formulate questions that will help her to complete the activity. Write Shayla’s questions on paper. Answer each question verbally or in writing. When she has no more questions, allow her to complete the activity. Encourage further questioning as the need arises. Discuss what makes a good question and the value of asking questions.



Social Studies: Little Passports. France

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Going Fishing. Punky Goes Fishing pg 66-79. Verbally answer Think it Over questions. Write: Pretend you are Punky. Write a letter to your family telling them about your fishing trip.

Handwriting/Bible: Revelation 1:15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

Math: Making 9 pg 59-62.

Two-digit subtraction (no regrouping). Introduce 2 digit subtraction using popsicle sticks. 2 digit subtraction worksheet without regrouping

Build a sense of what a number means by brainstorming ways to “say” a 2-digit number. For example 18 can be 16+2; one ten, eight ones; the age at which you can vote; 20-2, 12+6, or 100-82. The more guided practice you give, the more creative and challenging Shayla’s responses become.


4th Grade Week 4 – September 25, 2011


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Creative in the Bible pg 31

Reading: Shayla reads aloud PALS. The World of Birds – 3rd grade level.

Social Studies: Around the World. Australia. Highlights Top Secret Adventures. Guide to Australia – Read Capital City pg 10-11. The Sunshine State pgs 12-13 The Tropical Coast pgs 14-15 Complete Suitcase Match pg 2-3. Guide book – read. Complete Zoo Search pgs 6-7.

Handwriting/Bible: Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Activity: Write a list of 6 words that describe fall.

Spelling: Pretest: red, yellow, blue, green, purple, black, brown, white, pink, orange

Math: Comparing and Ordering Numbers and Which Number is Greater? pg 29-30

Adding ten: Shayla builds any two-digit number with sticks. Add a bundle of ten sticks and state the total out loud. Add additional bundles and continue counting by tens. Repeat, starting with a different two-digit number. Compare to a hundred chart. Add two digit numbers. Complete Picture This pg. 221

Reading/Language: Write 10 sentences with the verb omitted. After each sentence, write base form of missing verb in parentheses. Shayla writes the correct form of the verb in the blank. Example: The cat was ______(sleep) The cat was sleeping.

Language: Write 10 sentences and partial sentences. Have Shayla circle each complete sentence. Rewrite each partial sentence as a complete sentence.



Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Creative at Home pg 33.

Reading: Shayla reads aloud PALS. Animals of the Night – 4th grade level.

Social Studies: Around the World. Australia. Highlights Top Secret Adventures. Guide to Australia – Read The Top End pgs 16-17 and The Red Center pgs 18-19. Complete At the Opera pg 8-9 and Moomba Fun pg 10-11

Handwriting/Bible: Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Activity: Draw pictures of three things that begin with the same sound as your first name.

Math: Comparing Two Numbers pg 31-34

Graphing: Make a behavior chart. Using a ruler, draw a 5x5 grid of ½ boxes. Write a behavior goal at the top of the page. Along the bottom of the grid, write the days of the week. Each time the new behavior is practiced, place a sticker on the grid. Notice if there has been any improvement at the end of the week. Reward improvement with a special activity. Complete The Clean Desk Graph pg 222
Spelling: Write spelling words in sentences.

4H/science: Let’s Explore the Outdoors. Birds pg 11-12. Look at guide book and identify what birds live in this area. Go on a bird hunt. Fill bird feeder and watch for birds.




Dance lessons


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Creative at School pg 35

Reading: Shayla reads aloud PALS. Fossils – 5th grade level.

Social Studies: Around the World. Australia. Highlights Top Secret Adventures

Handwriting/Bible: 1 John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Math: Ordering Three Numbers pg 35-38 Ordering Numbers to 12 with a Number Line pg 39-42 and two digit addition w/o carrying worksheet

Spelling: Complete Naturally Colorful Canvas pg 356. Spell each word aloud while clapping a rhythm.

Literature: Teach that writers like to use a variety of language to make stories more interesting. Snoozing, dozing, sleeping, slumbering, and napping are colorful words that mean approximately the same thing. Brainstorm other groups of words that mean approximately the same thing. Examples: working, straining, laboring, exerting, and sweating. Write a variation of The Napping House such as The Working Farm.

Language: Statements and questions. Write 5 statements and 5 questions on paper. Shayla turns each question into a statement and each statement into a question. Be sure to include correct punctuation. Complete Review of Sentences pg 319.


Bible/character: A Child’s Book of Character Building. Read and discuss Creative at Play pg 37

Social Studies: Around the World. Australia. Highlights Top Secret Adventures. Read Guide to Australia City of Gold pgs 24-25 and The Green Island pg 26-27. Complete Jigsaw Reef pg 18-19 and Follow the Feet pg 20-21

Reading: The Deep Blue Sea. Unit 1: Water Ways. Theme: Sand and Sea. Read Bookshelf pgs 10-11, DW All Wet. Answer Think it over questions verbally (pg 25). Write: What might happen if DW comes back to the beach?

Handwriting/Bible: Address envelope and mail badge 11 to the Star family.

Activity: Copy and finish the following sentence: People think I’m kind because

Spelling: Using a crayon the color of the word, make block letters that spell each word. Color a pattern inside the letters.

Math: Act It Out pgs 43-46

Ordinal Numbers: Go on an ordinal number scavenger hunt. Arrange a trail of clues ahead of time. Hide a treat for the final clue. Ideas: Read the fifth chapter of the book (place next clue at the end of the chapter). Compete the fourth problem on page __ in ___, bring the problem to me and I will give you the next clue. Walk up to the seventh stair and look on the carpet. Bring me the second pencil from the right on the desk.

Complete Flags First pg 223.

Language: Write 5 adjectives that describe the book, The Napping House, 5 adjectives that describe the characters, and 5 adjectives that tells feelings about the book.

Language: Maintain lists of rhyming words on chart paper for reference when student writes poems. Point out that words that rhyme are not necessarily spelled the same.